Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the hottest of them all?
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Lisa and the Imps
Great artwork but I wish Mr.G would do this one again
in color.
Posted by Ron Denvers (guest) on Tue 25 Nov 2008, 22:00 EST
again even tied and taken, she seem to be enjoying herself. that is what I love about it
Posted by Guest on Sun 01 Apr 2007, 14:02 EDT
And another question: How did she come to this? I don't assume she's in Hell, because the trees in the back are only moderately stunted. Is this before Vargo snatches her for some magic-draining "man-handling," or is it after that and before she's "sacrificed" to the dragon? Hmmmmmm.
Posted by Guest on Sat 19 Feb 2005, 00:36 EST
Can imps be hurt by dragon fire? Hmmmmm. So, here's a question: If Lisa's magic is sexual in nature, is this going to activate it, augment it, cancel it, corrupt it, or are the imps just having a good time at her... "expense"? Personally, I love the picture and could go for any of them.
Posted by Guest on Sat 19 Feb 2005, 00:33 EST
very nice, i really like what the left imp is doing
Posted by Guest on Wed 22 Dec 2004, 13:00 EST
Wrong!! Lisa's dragon, Douglas, needs to fry these two scumbags with a well placed blast.
Lisa and the Imps
Great artwork but I wish Mr.G would do this one again in color.
Posted by Ron Denvers (guest) on Tue 25 Nov 2008, 22:00 EST