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View CommentsLav'how very handy! Posted by Guest on Tue 08 May 2007, 16:57 EDT KiTAVery nice! I can't wait to hear more about this new complication to Eloina's predicament! :) Posted by Guest on Sun 20 May 2007, 10:10 EDT HmSo how does this new jewelry work exactly? 1. Is it time based? I.e., if she covers her body for too long, does it then zap the offending pieces of clothing away? 2. Is it proximity based? I.e., if she got too close to someone else's clothes, would it zap them, too? 3. Is it observer based? I.e., if someone tries to look at her body, does the jewelry make sure they can see it? The fact that she was dressed in somewhat a conservative outfit that got zapped suggests that it has to be triggered. Alternately, perhaps the jewelry took time to build up power -- so until it got enough magical strength, it couldn't do it's thing. If so, maybe it continues to get stronger the longer she wears them -- after a while, she won't be able to wear even one scrap of clothing without her jewelry destroying them. Permanent nudity. Also: Besides her hands being bound, what's stopping her from simply removing the jewelry? I know it's probably dwarf gold, so it probably wouldn't be cutable, but with her cuffs and shackles providing regeneration, a bit of numbing ointment and a sharp knife would get rid of the jewelry, wouldn't it? Posted by KiTA (guest) on Fri 22 Jun 2012, 20:37 EDT Dumb QuestionDumb Question... what's stopping her from getting someone to remove the rings? I mean, they're Dwarven Gold so they can't be broken, but there's nothing saying that a good healer couldn't make tiny cuts to get them out a different way. After all, don't her Dwarven Eternity Fetters give her a light regeneration? Posted by KiTA (guest) on Fri 12 Jun 2015, 13:06 EDT Dumb Question - FollowupA followup to my dumb question -- from the Scratch Page on the Dwarven Eternity Fetters: "A better effect would probably be a 'beauty defense'. Eloina's own beauty combined with her enchanted jewelery means that no one is really able to bring themselves to do serious and lasting damage to her. Other mean things is fine, however." "I agree on this last idea, an acute variant of mesmerize. +5 Charisma from Eloina's maxed natural values (of course she's a min-maxer) makes it make sense." So even if someone had the idea to help Elona out this way, they couldn't, because her other cursed jewelry prevents people from removing her cursed rings. Insidious! :D I wonder if Brock and Sindre knew that would happen... Posted by KiTA (guest) on Mon 15 Jun 2015, 21:01 EDT I thought about this myself. In order to free her right hand, why not simply remove the left. In roman times if a doctor wanted to learn anatomy he worked at the Colosseum. Where it was perfectly fine to kill each other as a spectator sport. But carving up dead bodies simply didnt happen. Perhaps in Eloina's world, it was inconceivable for amputations or other mutilations to happen. Could toss in the possibility that the dwarven cuffs would self destruct in some way. The alchemist let her go, in order to follow her to the metals source. Rather than use a saw and remove her from them. Posted by Yumi (guest) on Mon 27 Jul 2015, 08:45 EDT Upon deeper reflections of a dumb questionTho KITA's explanation would work for Eloina. What about all the other girls in Grig's world? Thinking a the basic spell that makes all such permanent shackles work is its magical 'attachment'. They cannot be pulled far enough away so that they maybe removed from her. Hanging her by her nipples would cause her no small amount of distress but her flesh would not be so stressed that it would fail. Extreme measures to break the attachment would kill her as the cuffs destruct. Warding off thieves and good Samaritans. No one would even consider mutilating bound girls at any rate. Posted by Yumi (guest) on Mon 27 Jul 2015, 09:18 EDT hmm how do the rings work?Kita another drawing shows the dwarf watching Eloina on his browser before she was tricked. Im sure he continues to watch her, Brock and Sindre now watch as well. The smart proximity would send a sext alert. They could strip her immediately or wait. Shes like 'oh this material is safe to wear'. But then in a public square she is made to squeal loudly and then stripped as all eyes fall upon her. She might be allowed to sleep in a snuggly bed but is given warning to kick the blankets off when others arrive. The rings could nudge her close to women her watchers find intriguing... Another observation, her ass was bared as well, is there a fourth piercing? or just a large radius for the clit piercing. how close would she need to get in order to strip someone else? Stripping another could result in a sever punishment, so that would be rare enough to cause a false sense of security. Posted by Yumi (guest) on Mon 27 Jul 2015, 20:39 EDT More thoughts...We know that the Dwarves, as a society, keep slaves, based on the scratch pages. The dwarf that only keeps Elona is also considered a bit weird for not having more slaves, I think? However, it doesn't appear that the outside world is aware of this aspect of Dwarven culture, or someone would have recognized Elona's predicament. People recognize it's Dwarven gold and it's hard to damage, but any other magical effects they don't seem to know about. So it could just be a case that no one knows that Elona would be able to heal the wounds. And there's also the aspect that her main jewelry appears to have that enchantment that makes people unable to bring themselves to permanently harm her. Brocke and Sindre would recognize that particular aspect right away, which makes the prank they pulled on her particularly cruel -- they know she can't do anything about it, and no one else will, either. Posted by KiTA (guest) on Mon 27 Jul 2015, 23:36 EDT Unmentioned assumptionConsidering the level of technology, its probable that technology hadn't changed for hundreds of years. So people are well aware of what her predicament means. Added to the fact that most reactions aren't shock and confusion, its disappointment, amusement and even envy. Your argument is completely valid by nature of the fact she is often allowed to leave. Who wouldn't want to keep such a girl, and they do for a short period of time. She's released from the kissing booth pole, dressed, fed, supplied and they wave goodbye. Posted by Yumi (guest) on Tue 28 Jul 2015, 04:46 EDT |
Any plans on going more indepth with her new jewelry? I can't wait to see more of them!
Posted by Guest on Tue 12 Dec 2006, 07:59 EST