Colorized Dungeon Entrance.
Hesh and Sofia
Hesh and Sofia
N - Naga
N - Naga
Maid's rescue attempt
Redcoated Sofia with Grey Wolf
Naked Lunch
c - Cockatrice
c - Cockatrice
P - Black Pudding and White Pudding
P - Black Pudding and White Pudding
@ - Shopkeeper 2
@ - Shopkeeper 2
Scarlett and the Orc
Scarlett and the Orc
Plastic Scarlett
The Scarlett Card
The Scarlett Card
Orcus checking out Scarlett
Scarlett on the Scaffold
Scarlett on the Scaffold
Sofia Unleashed
Spanking the Witch
Spanking the Witch
Nun & Witch
Nun & Witch
Meanwhile at Mole's Tavern
Bad Girl in Snow
Outside Looking In
Throne of The Vampire Queen
Taking the Witch through Customs