Bondage Witches

Bondage witches are a group of magic users who wish to free their conscious mind by not having to worry about their bodies as they cast their spells.  To gain their abilities they must bind at least their hands behind their back.  If this does not happen they do not gain any of their abilities.


Hit Die: d6.


To qualify to become a Bondage Witch, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Must be able to cast 2nd level arcane spells

Must be able to cast spells without preparation

Knowledge: Arcana 8 ranks

Spellcraft: 8 Ranks

(Ryksyll specific) must be an Elf, or Human.

Class Skills

Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), 4 + int modifier per level



Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save


Spells Per Day






Bound Spell

+ 1 Level of existing class






Bound Grace, Bound Healing

+ 1 Level of existing class






Gagged Spell

+ 1 Level of existing class







+ 1 Level of existing class







+ 1 Level of existing class






Leashed Spell

+ 1 Level of existing class







+ 1 Level of existing class







+ 1 Level of existing class






Blinded Spell

+ 1 Level of existing class






Bound Touch

+ 1 Level of existing class








Class Features

All the following are class features of the Bondage Witch:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:  Bondage Witch do not gain any additional proficiency with weapons, they gain proficiency with use of magical bondage items*, which only this class gets.

            Bound Spell (Ex):  A Bondage Witch receives the still spell and eschew components feat.

            Bound Grace (SU): At second level the bondage witch adds her charisma to saving throws.

            Bound Healing (SU):  At second level the bondage witch may take a full round action to make skin-to-skin contact with another being to heal them.  They can heal up to their charisma bonus times level in hit points a day.  The skin-to-skin contact of the bondage witch must encircle, or be encircled by, any part of the other being.

            Gagged Spell (Ex):  At third level the bondage witch gets the silent spell feat when she is using a magical gag item*, that removes her power to speak.  These spells act as a caster level of 2 higher for damage and duration.

            Leashed Spell (Ex):  At sixth level the bondage witch when someone is holding a leashed attached to the bondage witch, the bondage witch ignores the level penalties of the silent and still spell feats gained from this class.

            Blinded Spell (Ex):  At ninth level the bondage witch gains the ability to target any spell when she is wearing a magical bondage object* that blocks all sight, on any object up to 120 feet away.  Spells ignore concealment, cover penalties. Spells also ignore miss chance given to incorporeal creatures and illusions.  This ability works like blind sight, so if the bondage witch is deafened in anyway she can not use this ability.  These spells act as a caster level of 2 higher for damage and duration, and stacks with gagged spell.  This ability does not allow her to see, just target spells.

            Bound Touch (Ex):  At tenth level the bondage witch can treat any ranged touch, or touch attack spell, as either a ranged touch or touch attack.  Touch attack spells are limited to a range of 30 ft.  But the bondage witch can now use touch attack spells without actual physical touch. 


Spells a Bondage witch can use easily:

These spells have a different level for bondage witches:

Spells a Bondage Witch can�t use easily:

These spells require pointing a finger, or energy aiming a spell with a hand.  Since a bondage witch always casts with her wrists bound behind her back aiming is very hard to do.


Specifics of bondage:

Hobble chains keep a character from running, depending on the hobble chain they can walk normally and make a double move.  Also drops Dex by 2

Bound arms behind the back reduces Dex by 2.  It also affects the following skills, all these are at the DM�s discretion.


Magical Bondage Items

Magical bondage items are specific to this class use.  They follow the same rules as other magic items, as only one item will function in each of the following spaces.  Unless otherwise stated the magical bondage items must be fully visible for their powers to be effective.



For each location a magical bondage item covers, the bondage witch gains +1 to charisma, and stacks with itself and other bonuses.  But only if the items are completely visible.  This bonus is for all cha based abilities, skills and spells per day.


All magical bondage items have an Escape Artist DC of 30 + 2 * spell slots.  The wearer is magically restricted from using the command word in ordinary speech.  They must make a similar will saving throw to speak the word even if they are not trying to reveal the command word, but saying it in normal speech.  The command word is inscribed onto the bondage item, and has a decipher script DC of 30 + 2 * spell slots, read magic allows a spell craft check at a DC of 15 + 2 * spell slots.


Hand bondage covers the entire hand, and can be gloves, or fingerless mittens.


Cost of production:

Follow the following chart for how much the creation of magical bondage items base cost:



Available Magic slots


200 gp

1 spell slots


800 gp

3 spell slots


1,800 gp

5 spell slots


3,200 gp

7 spell slots


5,000 gp

9 spell slots


Each spell slot can act as pages in a spell book for the bondage witch.  For spells she does not have memorized or know as a sorcerer, a spell can be added to the bondage item and be used as one of her spells per day.  Each spell slot acts as a page in a spell book.  So a first level spell uses up 1 spell slot, a 2nd level spell uses up 2 spell slots, and so forth.  The cost is 100 gp per spell level, just like a spell book.

Bondage on limbs like wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs must be connected for their Magic Slots to be available.  The only exception to this is hand bondage, which work similar to rings.  They can be worn separately and not connected for their slots to be available.  Optionally more spells may be added to magical bondage items that appear as they are connected.  For instance if an person is wearing ankle cuffs (1 spell slot), and wrist cuffs (1 spell slot), and they are hog tied, a third spell slot becomes available.  The spell must be placed on both items for it to become available.  But only has a one-time cost of 100 gp per spell level.  This matches some items sets.  But this does not work if a spell is not inscribed on both pieces.


Because some bondage items will cover the same part of a person, some of their features might be disabled.  It should be declared by the player with features are not working when pieces overlap.

Item Qualities:

Armor Bonuses:

Each armor bonus costs the same as an armor bonus on page 216 of the dungeon master�s guide.  Magical Armor bonuses do not stack with other magical armor bonuses.  Each +1 to the armor bonus takes up one spell slot on the item.


Shield Bonuses:

Each shield bonus costs the same as a shield bonus on page 216 of the dungeon master�s guide.  Magical Shield bonuses do not stack with other magical shield bonuses.  Each +1 to the shield bonus takes up one spell slot on the item.


Magical Armor and Shield Special Abilities:

Each bondage item can carry the armor special abilities listed on pages 217 through 219 of the dungeon master�s guide.  Each +1 equals to a � a spell slot rounded up.


Caster Level Enhancements:

Bondage items can increase the casting level of spells by the following: 

+1 caster level: 2 spell slots 8000 gp,

+2 caster levels: 4 spell slots 32,000 gp,

+3 caster levels: 6 spell slots 72,000 gp.

This only counts towards damage, and duration.  Not to spells per day or known.


Increased Spell Penetration:

+1 spell penetration, 1 spell slot 2000 gp.

+2 spell penetration, 2 spell slots 8000 gp.

+3 spell penetration, 3 spell slots 18,000 gp.

+4 spell penetration, 4 spell slots 32,000 gp.


Ability Enhancement bonus�s:

Ability bonuses can be put into the following items:

+2 bonus, 1 spell slots, 4,000 gp

+4 bonus, 2 spell slots 16,000 gp

+6 bonus, 3 spell slots 32,000 gp


Elemental Damage:

Fire, Sonic, Cold, Electrical, Acid must be selected.

+1 caster level: 1 spell slots 2000 gp,

+2 caster levels: 2 spell slots 8,000 gp,

+3 caster levels: 3 spell slots 18,000 gp.

+4 caster levels: 4 spell slots 32,000 gp.

This stacks with the caster level enhancements.


Mind Effecting DC, and casting level.

+1 caster level, +1 spell DC: 2 spell slots 8000 gp,

+2 caster levels, +2 spell DC: 4 spell slots 32,000 gp,

+3 caster levels, +3 spell DC: 6 spell slots 72,000 gp.

This stacks with the caster level enhancements.


Weapon Special abilities:

The following weapon special abilities can be added to bondage items, at the same cost armor special abilities.  But the special abilities affect the spells the bondage witch casts:


Ring Like Abilities:


Other Enhancements:


Common Bondage Items

Arm Binder:  Covers both hands, and arms slots.  May be strapped around the upper torso for another slot.  Some come with hobble chains.



Slots Covered

Spell Slots

Base Cost

Basic Arm Binder

3 (2 hands, arms)


1,800 gp

With chest straps

4 (upper torso added)


3,200 gp

With hobble chains

5 (either feet or legs)


5,000 gp


Hood:  Covers the head, but can contain a collar, gag, or blindfold.  The blindfold and gag have to be in place for all the spell slots to be available



Slots Covered

Spell Slots

Base Cost

Basic Hood

1 (head)


200 gp

With blindfold or gag or collar



800 gp

With two of blindfold, gag or collar



1,800 gp

With all three of blindfold, gag and collar



3,200 gp



Covers either the upper torso, or upper torso and lower torso.



Slots Covered

Spell Slots

Base Cost

Upper Torso Only



200 gp

Upper Torso and Lower Torso



800 gp


Bondage Boots:

Covers either the feet, or feet and legs.  Must be connected for their spell slot(s) to be visible.



Slots Covered

Spell Slots

Base Cost

Ankle Boots



200 gp

Thigh boots



800 gp


Bondage with the following items:

Basic Arm binder:  5 Spell Slots

Collar:  1 spell slot

Hood:  1 spell slot.  Connected to collar, adds 1 more spell slot

Corset that covers upper and lower torso:  3 spell slots.  Strapped to arm binder makes 1 more spell slot visible

Thigh high boots, connected with hobble chain:  3 spell slots.  Connected to arm binder makes 1 more spell slot visible.


So this setup would allow:

1 5 slot feature

2 1 slot features

2 3 slot features

3 1st level spells that are visible if all the above connections are made.


Specific Bondage Items:

Cuffs of Submission:  These cuffs, any magic user can wear voluntarily.  If they are wearing these cuffs and collar, they cannot cast any spells at all.  This is for a measure of protection for not magic users.

Cost 3,600 gp

Bands of Domination:  These cuffs and collar come as a set.  The bondage witch who wears them cannot cast any spells unless she is leashed, with a leash of domination.  This means that the bondage witch can not cast any spells at all unless the person holding the leash allows it.  When all five pieces are connected it acts as a 7 slot item.

Cost 4,575 gp

Leash of Domination:  When used as a leash for the bondage witch�s Leashed Spell special ability.  The person holding the leash restricts what spells and targets of those spells can be cast.  A bondage witch can still cast spells normally but is unable to use the Leashed Spell special ability.  A Leash of domination acts as a 5 slot items, but can only be used to store spells.  Not special abilities.  So different leashes can hold different spells for the bondage witch to use.

Cost 2,925 gp

Leash Magical: This allows a bondage witch to use her Leashed Spell special ability.

Cost 200 gp

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