Alien Abductions/KiTA's Stories/Late Night

From Grigbertz

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Current revision (05:58, 14 November 2014) (view source)
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''AAN Network, around 5:17 PM''
''AAN Network, around 11:47 PM''
"... and three times the amount of rutabaga!"
"... and three times the amount of rutabaga!"

Current revision

AAN Network, around 11:47 PM

"... and three times the amount of rutabaga!"

Natalie smiled as the audience clapped, some hooting and hollering. She moved from one foot to the other, sending her unfettered breasts swinging freely. She smiled as even now, months into her new show, a few men (and women, she noted) forgot to clap as they stared on, dumbfounded.

Each week there were fewer and fewer of them. She liked to think it was due to the respect she was earning, slowly, despite her condition.

"Look everyone, it's Peter Tillis."

Peter and his band started playing his generic music, even as she spun on one leg to point at him, revealing her bare ass to the audience. More hooting, but she didn't look. Her hands twitched as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other again. Her nipples ached for her hands, but she hadn't been able to do that for months and months and...

"We got a great show for you tonight," Natalie said over the music. "We'll be talking with Neil Degrasse Tyson about those strange comets they've found recently. After that, we'll be visited by my close personal friends, Dr. Harry Throb and his lovely assistant, Jessica! Rounding out the show, we'll have the Wallflowers with their latest from their new album."

Natalie smiled as the music got louder. She looked over and noticed her producer Sally frantically pointing at her chest. Natalie blinked, glanced downwards at her seemingly permanently hard nipples, framed by flowing cloth, a piece from her new collection...


"Tonight," she spoke as the band quickly lowered their volume again, "I'm wearing my new 'Rivers of Cotton' blouse, part of my Summer Peek-a-boo collection, exclusive to our friends at Macy's."

She turned around, her hands on her back, the muscles in her bare hips flexing as she contorted slightly. "An adjustable strap in the rear lets you show off as much, or as little, as you might like. I'm wearing the matching stockings, and it comes with an optional skirt, for those girls who are feeling a little shy."

Natalie tried not to feel too much stinging at the sound of the laughter. She had come to terms with her condition months ago, when it became abundantly clear that no one could help her. The realization that she could still look good despite -- or perhaps because of -- her permanent exposure eased things somewhat. The advertising contracts she had with several designers and stores had also helped make her a millionaire several times over, and she certainly couldn't complain about that.

But still, there was something decidedly silly about wearing spending each night on stage, wearing lingerie and creatively modified business-wear. Not that she could help it. She spun in place, making sure to show off the ensemble she wore as best she could, while the television behind her showed a more traditional model wearing it fully intact. Her hands twitched as her clitoris itched, crying out for fingers, but she knew better than to try...

"We'll be right back, thank you for being here everyone!"

Natalie slumped slightly as the light dimmed, letting her know they had gone to commercial. She stared at the advertising poster off to the side of the stage.

"The Naked Truth," was written in some silly font by some graphics designer that probably made more than she did back at her old job. Under it, there she was, stark naked and covering herself with her arms, microphone in hand, laughing like an idiot. She tried not to remember just how painful that photo shoot was, her traitorous body deciding trying to hide her shame was the same as trying to indulge herself.

It was insane. By all right, she should have been drummed out of polite society, yet alone television. But somehow the ratings just kept getting better. Somehow, her physical exposure had translated into... media exposure.

She was living her dream... as long as she ignored the fact that her breasts, pussy and ass were seemingly destined to permanently on display for the rest of her life.

Natalie flinched as the tingle and itching on her clitoris and nipples brought her out of her mental monologue. She motioned towards the camera guy near her and at a slightly bemused Sally, and then started running as fast as she could to the hallway off the side of the set.

She only had a few minutes to get as much rubbing and touching in as she could, and she would just have to hope it would be enough to make her to the next commercial break...

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