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== The Women of Whitemoon ==
== The Women of Whitemoon ==
"If ye join the Women of Whitemoon, ye shall get your man.  But all things have a price."
''"If ye join the Women of Whitemoon, ye shall get your man.  But all things have a price."''
They were known as the Women of Whitemoon Forest when they were talked about, and only then in hushed tones.  The men, when asked, would smile politely and explain that it was just an old wives' tale.  Songs of strange tarts dancing naked in the forest had existed since the old days and the old country, and these were no different.
They were known as the Women of Whitemoon Forest when they were talked about, and only then in hushed tones.  The men, when asked, would smile politely and explain that it was just an old wives' tale.  Songs of strange tarts dancing naked in the forest had existed since the old days and the old country, and these were no different.

Revision as of 10:30, 7 December 2021



A Case Study in Magical Nudity

How many ways are there to leave a poor lass permanently on display?

Destructive -- Clothing worn is destroyed

  • Clothing that touches the victim disintegrates, leaving her nude. This may just affect clothing she is wearing, or she may be a danger to anyone her body can reach.
  • Clothing that covers up certain body parts disintegrates, making those body parts (and only those body parts) impossible to conceal with clothing.
  • Clothing the victim wears is repelled from her body, eventually tearing itself free and exposing her. The victim may be unable to approach clothing without it "running away" from her.
  • The victim's sweat (and other body fluids) cause clothing to burst into harmless magical flame, leaving her ash-covered but nude.
  • The victim's clothing begins to decay and unravel the second the puts it on, leaving her with a time limit (a few minutes to a few hours) of modesty. She can switch outfits to start the clock over, but the damage to clothing is permanent.

Punishing -- The Victim is punished for dressing

  • Clothing the victim touches becomes unbearably uncomfortable and irritating, leaving the victim unable to stand the feel of it. Something similar to burlap or sandpaper.
  • The Victim only feels comfortable in the nude; she can endure any weather (the winter snow or the summer heat) just fine, but clothing causes her to feel painfully overheated, even in winter. She has to undress frequently to avoid heat stroke.
  • The Victim finds herself with piercings (or tattoos, runes, etc) that punish her if they are covered up. Nipple rings that bite painfully if she dares wear a shirt, or a magical rune on her inner thigh that burns her if she prevents other people from seeing it, for example.
  • Clothing the victim wears becomes restraining. Pants turn into one long tube, preventing the legs from moving; Shirts become straight jackets. The Victim is only free when they are nude.

Transformative -- The victim's clothing transforms

  • Clothing the victim wears becomes translucent the longer she wears it, gradually exposing her body. At 100% translucency (when the clothing becomes invisible), it vanishes outright, forever.
  • Clothing the victim touches becomes intangible, falling off of her onto the ground. She may be unable to even pick up clothes to put them on, or clothes may just fall off her after she dresses.
  • Clothing the victim wears magically transforms into a different style of clothing, for example a sensible dress may become a risqué babydoll or a corset.
  • Clothing the victim wears magically transforms into a different material, such as latex, paper, or mud.
  • Clothing the victim wears becomes increasingly and impossibly form fitting, eventually turning into bodypaint or a tattoo.
  • Clothing the victim wears becomes equal to the least modest clothing within a certain radius (1km?). If someone is wearing something less covering than she is within this radius, her clothing changes to match.

Mental -- The victim's nudity is all in her mind

  • The Victim's nudity taboo is removed outright; she is not magically compelled to be nude per say, but rather finds no reason to wear clothes and refuses to do so.
  • The Victim is unable to move her body in order to put clothing on. Despite wanting to, her body will not obey her.
  • The Victim forgets about the existence of clothing; she is embarrassed at her exposure, but cannot think of what to do to solve it. People who try to get her to put clothes on find she is magically unable to understand them.
  • The Victim forgets about her nudity unless someone points it out to her; she forgets again after a while. The victim always thinks she put clothing on when she goes to try, but in reality she remains nude the entire time.
  • The Victim's body subconsciously takes her clothing off if she is not paying attention.
  • Appropriate music causes the Victim to perform erotic dance, stripping her clothing off helplessly. She can redress afterwards, but this occurs every time she hears music.
  • The Victim can only put clothing on with the permission, or at the command, of someone else. If she undresses for any reason, she must seek someone's permission or ask a friend to command her to dress.
  • The Victim cannot help but expose herself if someone asks or commands her to do so. While she can dress normally, if someone asks to see her breasts she finds herself showing them, or if someone commands her to strip she cannot keep her clothes on.

Group Efforts -- The nudity is enforced by or involves other people

  • A Victim finds herself helplessly exposing herself when people look at her. Her hands may lift her skirt without permission when onlookers glance at her hips, or someone leering at her chest may cause her shirt to magically open. Instead of constant exposure, she is only on display when people wish to look at her.
  • A Victim and another Victim can only wear one set of clothing at a time. If Victim A puts on a shirt, Victim B cannot (or it is destroyed, falls away, et cetera). They must coordinate who is naked, who is clothed, and when.
  • A Victim has some form of trigger that activates her nudity; for example someone talking about her body may cause her expose that body part to them, or the sound of a bell may make her increasingly uncomfortable wearing clothing until she is compelled to undress. Those that know or find her trigger may seek to torment, blackmail, or expose her for fun, or the trigger may be common enough that she has trouble avoiding it.
  • The victim only *appears* nude, they are actually dressed. It may be everyone that sees her like this, or just certain people, or a certain someone.
  • Onlookers have their taboo about the victim's nudity reversed; they find her wearing clothes in public to be shocking, obscene, and lewd, and will insist she strip immediately. Her attempts to find a cure and re-dress are treated as if she was seeking to permanently expose herself; i.e., she's considered mad for even having the idea.
  • Onlookers are unable to react to the victim's nudity; they are aware of it but cannot stop her. People may still taunt, tease, fondle, etc her, they are merely prohibited from ending her exposure. Onlookers may be stuck putting up with her in their stores, classrooms, etc, being unable to throw her out or try to force clothing upon her.


  • A helpful friend (magical familiar, symbiote, AI robot buddy, friendly neighborhood goddess of love and beauty) destroys any and all clothing that our victim tries to wear.
  • Quantum Nudity; No one thing seems to stop our heroine from wearing clothes, but every time someone tries to cover her up, something unusual and random occurs to stop it from happening.

Complications -- Additional quirks that a given curse may have

  • The Victim is not only left exposed, but any attempt at covering herself or objecting to her situation is magically reversed. Attempts to cover her breasts with her hands result in her cupping them enticingly towards others; attempts to tell people she does not wish to be exposed leads to her instead explaining how much of a naturist she is.
  • The Victim cannot tell anyone about the curse. If people ask, she cannot explain, the best she can do is silence or claim that she is acting on her own.
  • The Victim's voice is the only thing not controlled by the curse. She loudly complains and objects and begs onlookers to stop or help her, despite her body either ignoring her exposure or sending her on ever-lewder adventures and more outrageous exposure.
  • The nudity is contagious, similar to Lycanthrope. The victim must be careful not to infect their friends; the victim may have gained this curse when interacting with a strange naked woman somewhere. The nudity may take time to take effect or gain it's full strength after infection.
  • The nudity is transmissible; the victim can get rid of her curse, but only if she passes it on to someone else. This may require a very specific and difficult to perform trigger; the victim may have been tricked into this trigger by the previous nude woman, who is now free to dress.
  • No one finds the victim's new nudity out of character or unusual, despite it being obviously magical or unusual. Friends remember her always having been naked; Shopkeepers find her nudity shocking but are accepting, etc. No one will help her with the curse, as no one realizes anything is odd.
  • The Victim is left not only denuded by her curse, but also helplessly aroused when it's effects fire off.
  • The Victim's curse not only leaves her exposed, it also draws attention to her body in some way; piercings that act as ringing bells, tattoos that glow and attract attention, etc.
  • The curse is minor, but constantly gets stronger. Perhaps it starts off with exposing her hands and feet, and spreads slowly to the rest of her body. If the victim does not get it removed it will expose her more important body parts (feet -> legs -> hips; hands -> arms -> chest), so it is a race against time to save her modesty.
  • The curse lasts longer every time it fires off, leaving the victim nude for longer and longer periods of time. If she does not remove it in time, it will become permanent.
  • The Victim is unable to bring herself to change her lifestyle because of her new nudity. She cannot quit her job or drop out of school, instead finding herself compelled to continue to live her normal life.
  • The Victim is not only left nude, but compelled to present herself in attractive ways. She cannot conceal her body with her arms and legs, or hide behind objects. She may be compelled to strike pin up or erotic poses whenever possible. She may be helpless to stop herself from posing for photographs.
  • The Magic becomes stronger the more the victim resists it. For example, she may be only compelled to reveal her breasts, but if she attempts to cover them the rest of her body is exposed. In order to minimize her exposure, she must ignore her exposure, no matter who is reacting, and where she is at the time.

Case Studies

Real life examples of the above.

The Students of NΔ House

"Once a NuDe, always a NuDe!"

No one knows when it started, but one day, the women of Nu Delta Sorority had always been naked.

No amount of coercion, pleading, or force could make a Nu Delta girl dress in any way, shape, or form; the young ladies simply refused to dress and worse, refused to halt their academic (or personal) aspirations despite their nudity. It was quite the scandal, admittedly, but since the University administration (alongside everyone else) was also quite certain that the members of the sorority, to a woman, had been quite naked during the college application process, they couldn't exactly object to it now. Indeed, for the sorority's vaunted 200 year history they had always been known for the strange quirk of the ladies not wearing a stitch of clothing, not before, during, nor after their college careers; the fact that several wealthy and famous alumni, professors, and even the Dean of Students were all former Nu Delta girls and were -- obviously -- lifelong naturists also helped.

No matter what everyone could remember being true the day before.

Oddly enough, the loudest and fiercest complaints came from the Nu Delta girls themselves. Between desperate blushing sprints from one class to the next, their arms desperately trying to cover up what would be shame in any non-Nu Delta girl -- but obviously couldn't be shame in the perpetually bare Nu Deltas, who were no doubt used to it -- the Nu Deltas would loudly and plaintively explain to anyone who would listen that they did not, in fact, want to be undressed, and that some madness had gripped them and the campus, leaving them unable to bring themselves to wear clothing and leaving no one else able to recognize it as wrong. Of course, no one believed the silly girls, who were well known for their pranks. After all, every administrator and fellow student, to a man, could remember each and every Nu Delta girl had been utterly stark naked for as long as they had known them, even before they had joined the sorority. Indeed, if these perpetually naked girls weren't Nu Delta girls, it would be quite the scandal!

Amusingly, membership of the Nu Deltas did not falter. Admittedly, many freshman girls refused to apply to the Nu Deltas, but would discover that failing to pledge to some other, perhaps more modest, sorority had lead them into defaulting into becoming a Nu Delta. Others would lose bets they felt strangely obligated to uphold, or felt themselves oddly compelled to pledge directly to the sorority, or simply woke up one day after some crazy party near the Nu Delta house, now a member. And in each and every case, the poor girls discovered that starting that day, they had always (would always) be naked.

And despite the blushing, the objections, and the mad bare ass dashes between classes, the Nu Delta Girls -- Nudes, for short -- were utterly helpless to get anyone to do anything but blush right back, smile, and enjoy the view of the Nudes running around the campus. Because after all, once a Nude, always a Nude.

The Women of Whitemoon

"If ye join the Women of Whitemoon, ye shall get your man. But all things have a price."

They were known as the Women of Whitemoon Forest when they were talked about, and only then in hushed tones. The men, when asked, would smile politely and explain that it was just an old wives' tale. Songs of strange tarts dancing naked in the forest had existed since the old days and the old country, and these were no different.

The women however, like many of these sorts of quiet villages, knew better. And they would tell the young lasses that no, no matter what, joining the Women of Whitemoon was the devil's bargain.

But invariably, the story would reach some young lass. There was always one or two in each summer's passing, pining for some seemingly unobtainable man and feeling decidedly less than confident, the rumors of a strange sisterhood of women who could help any lass with her love's troubles. And this would lead the poor things to the forest, to the clearing that was strangely well kept... that was filled with naked women, their skin pale in the moonlight; their neighbors and friends, their rivals and teachers.

And then their fate was sealed.

After joining the sisterhood -- a sapphic encounter that all of them would blush with the memory of it -- the newfound sisters would find that the pale white moon had quite the different effect upon them. For the denuding that they experienced, the lovemaking, the lovely kiss of moonlight and sister alike, became not just a cherished memory, but a compulsion that would seep into their bones at night. And each night, with the days around a fuller moon causing a stronger urge, the new sisters would find themselves longing to cast aside cloth and shame and go dancing out in the moonlight, au natural in nature. Most would find their way to the clearing, where they found their strange new urge impossible to discuss, their tongues strangely leaden when discussing the matters of the sisterhood.

But some, and all of them on occasion, would instead be caught by a man before making it to said clearing. And suddenly leaden tongues turned into a traitorous viper: Denials became acceptance, excuses became invitations, and refusals became pleading. And the new sisters discovered the secret of the Women of Whitemoon: While they would certainly get their man, they would also ensnare any man, their traitorous and now enchanted bodies happily frolicking with any man or woman who caught them in the moonlight, performing any carnal acts they were asked of and more, pretending to (and, truth be told, begrudgingly) enjoy, their minds brought along for the evening, all while being utterly unable to discuss, yet alone deny it, after the fact.

And after a young lass was discovered to be a Woman of Whitemoon, the men, who were under no such compulsion not to discuss it, would all know, and therein every night the lass would find men awaiting her, catching her before she could escape to the forest. Indeed, many times the men would intentionally bring the Women of Whitemoon into the moonlight, assisting in their disrobing, as the enchantment would only take effect if their bare skin was exposed to moonlight's grace, the compulsion to embrace the moonlight only taking effect around the days of the full moon but the moonlight's lewd effects being a permanent gift to the young maidens.

And eventually, their confidence emboldened by becoming an experienced lovemaker if not by sheer happenstance, the formerly innocent lass would approach and ensnare her man; not that this would solve the enchantment in any way. Thus the young lass, the new Woman of Whitemoon, would get her man -- as well as every other man who merely had to ask, kiss, or fondle her during one of the nights she was helplessly dancing with the moonlight.

As all things, as it is well known in villages of the old country, have a price.

Sensitivity Training

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." - Groucho Marx

It was across the papers, every paper: The discrimination lawsuit destroyed the company overnight. And while employees of the corporation, not related in any way to the giant company that had died in one fell swoop of a judge's gavel, didn't have any of the problems that seemed to plague those other companies, their management still seemed to be terrified of a lawsuit. Their answer, of course, was a full set of training, through videos and quizzes.

However, since their management was quite risk averse, they sought out the most extreme, the most trustworthy, the highest rated and most guaranteed option they could find.

And thus each and every employee, from the lowliest of peon to the highest executive, found themselves sat down in front of a computer screen, watching as an explosion of spirals and colors sent them deep into a hypnotic trance. A hypnotic trance that pounded, deep into their psyche, the need to be sensitive, accepting, and proactive in the diverse beliefs and lifestyles that their coworkers may have. That objecting to them, prohibiting them from being followed, or anything of the sort was literally unthinkable to them.

And nothing changed, of course, as the company didn't have any of these problems. Life went on as normal.

Until one day, several weeks later, a cute young lass -- one of the secretarial pool, no doubt just there to help with University bills or to find a Husband -- found herself in a meeting with HR, unable to stop herself. As she explained to them, she did not want to discuss this, but, she now was compelled to. She simply had to tell them about her lifestyle, as she was required to be proactive and prohibited from stopping anyone from following their own beliefs -- including herself.

And thus, with a great deal of embarrassment, and the assurance that no changes would need to be made for her, the young lass told human resources that as a naturist, if she had her choice she would simply not wear clothing at work, or anywhere. That it was not a kinky thing, she simply did not find the idea embarrassing, but was happy to wear clothes -- she stressed this, repeatedly -- to fit in at work. But then again, she admitted in a quiet voice, her beliefs would otherwise have her not. And thus the blushing HR woman, wide eyed even as she wrote this all down, helplessly nodded and said that she should worry not, for her lifestyle would be accepted as part of the diverse set of beliefs that the corporation had and enjoyed. And the horrified young woman helplessly nodded along, unable to object, yet alone prohibit any beliefs or lifestyle from being followed -- even her own.

And minutes later, as a blushing nude lass left the HR office, an email went out. And a handful of other young lads and lasses showed up quite unclothed, albeit perhaps not fully unashamed, the next day. And life went on, albeit somewhat with somewhat more blushing.

The next week brought a second young lass from the secretarial pool. She too, explained to the HR lady through strained teeth, that she needed to be unclothed at work. The HR woman sighed and nodded, but was interrupted, for the new young woman explained that she needed her nudity not because of naturism, but because fantasizing about her naked coworkers made her realize she was an exhibitionist, and her new fetish -- a belief, in other words -- required allowing people to see her delightfully bare body, preferably all the scandalous bits, even more preferably while she was intentionally showing them off. And the stammering HR lady blinked helplessly as the young lass lifted her top and shook her delightful bosom at her, blushing furiously with shame and arousal the entire time.

And thus a second young naked woman left the HR office, blushing all the way, as she struck pose after pose to her shocked and bemused coworkers, culminating in her touching herself with one hand while furiously typing, even as a second email went out from the panicked, but helplessly accepting, HR woman.

The next week still brought a manager, a fiercely angry looking woman who dominated the secretarial pool with an iron fist. Through furious stilted words, she asked about the naturists, and the exhibitionists, and the HR and the Manager and everyone involved all agreed they had to be sensitive, accepting, and proactive with the diverse beliefs and lifestyles that their employees may have. And through still more stilted words, as if the woman was trying to choke each word down before it escaped, she explained as a submissive she not only needed to remain nude at work, she had a responsibility to allow anyone who wished to use her free range over her body, that her own opinions on it were irrelevant, and her beliefs required her to accept it anyway.

And the HR woman, laughing with just a hint of mania, wrote a third email, even as the newly naked manager proudly announced to her underlings her new status as plaything on top of her other responsibilities. And thus the sight of her happily -- perhaps? -- servicing her subordinates while also screaming at them to work harder, faster, and be more professional became a commonplace sight amongst the staff.

Mind you, no complaints to the company were ever made, no matter how much chaos occurred at this and other corporations that were their unfortunate customers.

After all, the company they hired believed they were a successful training company, and were obviously living the lifestyle of one. And their customers, even as their own employees were forced to embrace their own secret desires and lifestyles in a most public manner, had no choice but to be sensitive, accepting, and proactive in those beliefs.

So obviously, they recommended them highly to anyone who asked.

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