BWP Personal Assistant
From Grigbertz
The Bondage Witch Project Personal Assistant is a HUD made to make Second Life easier and more intuitive. It is strictly personal - it cannot affect anyone else and nobody but the wearer can use it. Many of the features need RV to function, a feature you will either need to install or activate depending on which viewer you use. But it is not an adult device and it does not in any way restrain the wearer - it uses RLV features to do things SL normally cannot.
Menu Icons
These symbols make menus easier to use: ▼ ▲ ► ◄ ● ○ □ ■
▼ ▲ ► ◄ - Navigation ▼ goes to a submenu. ▲ goes up to a previous menu ► ◄ goes to the next section, some menus are so long that they have several sections.
□ ■ - Checkboxes These buttons turn things on and off. Clicking the button toggles the option. An empty checkbox is an option that is currently not active. A full checkbox is an option that is active.
● ○ - Radio Buttons. A series of choices, where only one can be active. For example, your cuffs can be one of a long list of colors. The selected choice is a full ring; the others empty rings. Clicking on the button of an empty ring selects that choice.
RLV Versions
BWP Personal Assistant is made for use with RLV 2.5 or later. Either RLV or RLVa will work. Auto Group, Auto Modesty, and Height Adjustment will not work without RLV; the exact version required varies, but later is generally better. Check what version your client uses; an easy way to do this is to wear a Witchbound HUD, which will tell you what version of RLV you are using.
If this is all gibberish to you, just know that a modern viewer has a better change to work.
Display Settings
Auto Group
Auto Group requires RLV 2.5 or later to work
This function automatically changes your active group, either to a default group you have set, to the group owing the parcel you are in, or to a group you have programmed Auto Group to associate with the particular sim or parcel you are in. This allows you to avoid embarrassing group title mistakes, and allows you to effortlessly be polite and wear appropriate group titles in various locales. For example, it is often very appreciated to wear the group title of a club or venue you are at.
Configuring Auto Group
You must configure Auto Group for it to function, setting which sims and parcels are to be associated with which groups. This is done in two ways - by making particular group selections for particular places, and by registering your groups - which means that Auto Group remembers the group and can recognize when you enter a parcel owned by that group. How to actually do the configuration is explained under the buttons below that do it.
Auto Group Buttons
Auto Modesty
Auto Modesty requires RLV 1.15 or later to work, except Protected Folders that need RLV 2.3.
This is an advanced wardrobe function. You make up sets in three modestly levels - General, Mature, and Adult. Auto modesty can automatically change your clothes as you move into regions of various maturity rating, or you can do so automatically.
This function is relatively complex and takes a bit of time to set up.
Setting Up
To use Auto Modesty, you need to create a folder named '-BWP-Assistant' inside your #RLV folder. In this folder you set up subfolders for each set you want Auto Modesty to handle. You can also create a Basic folder there to hold items you commonly use.
Note that you must manually create all the folders you need, name them correctly (including capitalization) and make sure they are correctly placed and filled for Auto Modesty to work properly - this can be a bit of a chore but the utility of Auto Modesty makes this worth it - at least for your favorite sets.
An set for Auto Modesty is a folders with a set of subfolders inside, set up so that the BWP Personal Assistant can use Auto Modesty to put them and and take them off. Each such folder is set up to accommodate the various types of sims - General, Moderate, and Adult - as well as special folders. We call what you have such a folder a "set" - another word could be outfit, but since SL already uses that term for something else, we decided to call ours sets. A set is contained in a folder, with various subfolders inside.
Normal Set Folders
All you really need to put in each set folder are are these three folders. If you use this way, each folder should contain one complete set, which means there might be many duplicates between them - which is easy to do using links.
This is the set as it is to be worn in a general area - that is an set you can show to minors and in guaranteed not to offend.
This is a version of the set suited to Moderate sims - it can be somewhat risque, but should not show genitals, female nipples, or otherwise be considered adult.
This version of the set has no restrictions - let yourself go as wild as you dare. As you move around using Auto Modesty set on Auto, the BWP Assistant will automatically change between these three costumes as you move from area to area - taking off all the items in one fold an then adding the items of the now relevant folder.
Special Set Folders
These are special folders you can have in each set if you want. They are not necessary for Auto Modesty to function, but allows greater control and special features.
If you have items that are in all three variants of your set, you can put them in a "Common" folder to save space and links. Items in this folder will be worn with whatever version of the set you are wearing.
Protected Folders requires RLV 2.3 or later to work Items in the protected folder will be RLV bound to you - they cannot be bumped or taken off. This is handy for such things as tails, ears, tattoos, and other items you never wish to loose. The protected folder otherwise works like the Common folder - these items will be worn with all versions of the set.
GenWear, ModWear, AdWear
Normally, when changing costumes, one costume is removed and anoter is put on using the "Add" command. This means that other worn items are never bumped of. By instead putting the items in these folders, they will be put on using the "Wear" command - meaning they will bump off whatever was there before.
Sitting, Standing
If you use the SitWear function, whatever is in the Sitting folder will be worn when you sit on an object, and whatever is in the Standing folder will be worn when standing up. Not that uyou need to sit on an object - various animations that play a sitting animation will not work.
SitWear, StandWear
This is the same as Sitting and Standing, but puts on the items inside using the "Wear" command instead of the "Add" command, as explained under GenWear, ModWear, AdWear above.
Special Folders
These are folders with special purposes, to be used along with the normal Set folders.
This is linked to the Basic button in the menu. Whenever you push that button, everything in this folder will be added to what you are wearing. This is handy for things you almost always wear - bit not quite always. See Default for the things you always want to wear. For example, if you are almost always human, but sometimes turn int a robot, you might want to put your human skin, eyes and so on in here - making it very easy to turn back to human while still allowing you to use Auto Modesty with your troll set.
This is for items you always wear, that is common to all versions of all sets. If you always wear the same skin, hair, and eyes, put them in here. Unlike Basic, Default is a complete set - it needs the subfolders an set has. Whatever is in default will be worn along with every set.
Auto Modesty Buttons
These are the buttons of Auto Modesty.
□ ■ Auto
This activates automatic change between the three versions fo your sets - General, Moderare, and Adult. When this is turned off, Auto Modesty is not actually automatic - you need to change sets using the other buttons in the next row. This has no effect on the SitWear and Protected buttons - they can work with or without Auto.
□ ■ SitWear
This activates the Sitting/Standing folder, making you put on and take off thing as you sit down and stand up
□ ■ Protected
Activates the Protected foler,making whatever is in there unmatchable as long as you use RLV and this option is active. Auto Modesty itself can deactivate this protection when it changes your sets, but other wardrobe handlers cannot.
General, Moderate, Adult
These buttons tell Auto Modesty to wear a specific class of set, just as if you had just entered a sim of this classification. This is a one-time action - Auto Modesty does not remember your choice.
Strip All
This will remove all worn texture clothing and prims and then wear what is in the appropriate part of the Default folder. It will not touch HUDS or something worn of Skull (which is usually hair).
This does manually what Auto does when activated - that is load the selected set as appropriate for the sim you are in. Notice that the General, Moderate, and Adult buttons are not settings, and using them has no effect on what Requip does - but Requip is affected by Settings.
Put on what is in the basic folder. This is the reason that folder exists - to make it easy to restore basic items you want to wear with most (but not all) sets.
Set ▼
This opens a submenu where you can choose which of your sets to use. Once you have created a set and put it in a folder, it will be automatically listed here - there is no registration procedure, Auto Modesty does this on its own.
Settings ▼
This opens a submenu where you can override the default behavior of Auto mode, making Auto Modesty recognize the current sim as something else than what it is. For example, some Adult sims have a "no nudity" policy. If your Adult sets tend to show naughty bits, you may want to instruct Auto Modesty to treat this sim as Moderate. As you open this menu, it tells you what the current setting for this sim is.
- ●○ General, ●○Moderate, ●○Adult Makes Auto Modesty ignore the normal modesty settings of the sim you are in, instead considering it to be what you now program it to be.
- List General, List Moderate, List Adult This lists the sims for which you have instructed Auto Modesty to override the normal behavior. List General lists the sims you have instructed Auto Modesty top treat as being General, and so on.
- Clear All Deletes all modesty settings, reverting to default behavior in all sims.
- Modesty ▲ Returns to the previous menu.
Help ▼
This opens the Help menu.
This button will hove you a list of what the buttons on the HUD do, and has buttons giving you additional information.
Give LM
Gives a LM to the Bondage Witch Project main store.
Alias Help
Gives you instructions on how to make
Groups ►
Goes to the Auto Groups menu.
Display ►
Goes to the Display Settings menu.
Modesty ►
Goes to the Auto Modesty menu.
Rez Area Finder
This does not trigger a menu. Instead it gives you a nearby location where you can rez objects in, local chat. Click this text to open the map and teleport there.
Movement Assistant
This function helps controls movement speed, allowing speeds both faster and slower than normal and allowing very exact positioning.
Because of how movement handlers work in Sl, we cannot run both flight control and run control simultaneously. That means you have to manually select what mode Movement Assistant is to be in. I find it most convenient to keep it on Flight mode msot of the time, turning to Speed or Nudge as needed.
●○ Flight
This activates the flight controls. We have used the flight controls form an old open code utility, Flight Feather 1.4, so you may recognize how they work. Flight Feather is an unobtrusive program if you don't activate the more extreme settings under Flight► below. The reason to include it in the BWP Assistant is to make it more accessible and save HUD slots. The reason to use it is that Linden Labs designed SL so that we would not be able to fly very high - past a certain height an additional force of "gravity" starts to push us down. Flight Feather counteracts this power and lets you fly at any height - tough vertical flight becomes somewhat more jerky and erratic.
●○ Speed
Opens up a range of walk/run speed options. Run and walk are really the same thing in SL - the animation changes at a certain speed but it has nothing to do with settings or the normal "run" speed. Thus you can appear to run in a downslope even if you are set to be walking. Movement Assistant thus cannot decide what animation is played - that is decided by the actual speed you move at.
- □ ■ Auto With auto walk on, you will continue to walk until you press another movement key - including forward.
- ○ Speed Preset speed selections. Using these buttons, you can make your avatar walk/run at a certain speed. Slopes affect speed - at the lowest settings you might not be able to walk up a steep slope at all.
- Slower Faster You can change your current walk speed by smaller increments that the presets, allowing precise speed control, by using these buttons. The menu header will show your current selected movement speed.
●○ Nudge
In Nudge mode, you move in small jerks. This can be very useful when you want to position yourself precisely, such as when playing animations in coordination with other people. A tip is that you can Shift+A and Shift+D to move sideways without turning. The length of the move is normally 5 com in SL scale, but can be increased or lowered using the E and C keys.
From "Cyberflight 1.4 by Argent Stonecutter: A kinder and gentler open source flight script in a subtle heads-up display. This is a contextual button and only appears when ●○ Flight is selected.
Note that these menues do not reopen after having been closed - this si the original Flight Feather code, and that did not have such functionality. You have to reopen the menu each time.
- □ ■ Active Turns Flight assistance / Flight Feather off, disabling all other options in this menu. If you want to tun of Speed Assistant completely, you can use this and then select ●○ Flight, but there should rarely be a need to do this - basic Flight Feather is always an advantage for high altitude flying.
- □ ■ Text With this checked, the BWP Personal Assistant displays flight data as a floating text above the HUD.
- □ ■ Mouse Mouse mode lets you fly around in "mouselook" mode by clicking the mouse. Don't forget to take off any weapons or other click-activated items first.
- □ ■ Hi.boost Boosts flight speed to the maximum safe flight velocity.
- □ ■ Ninja Lets you jump around like a ninja when not flying.
Height Assistant
Height Assistant requires RLV 2.5 or later to work
Old Text
The second button row has buttons that control the auto modesty function. It’s made to help nudists not offend in General sims, but I'm sure you can come up with other uses. this function will take on and off the clothes in these folders as you enter PG, Mature and Adult sims. You can also override it to always be either modest or immodest, and you can define certain sims as PG just for this – many Mature sims have a PG dress code. Finally, it has a Strip button that takes off all clothes.
To use this, you have to create a folder inside your #RLV folder that is named "-AutoModesty". Inside the auto modesty folder you can have subfolders holding different sets; each of the set folders should contain 3 subfolders named "Common", "Risque", and "Modest". Here is an example tree for these folders and items, using two sets named My Set 1 and My Set 2.
-AutoModesty Default Common Adult AdWear Moderate ModerWear General GeneWear Protected ProtecWear Sitting SittWear Unsitting UnsittWear Set Common Adult AdWear Moderate ModerWear General GeneWear Protected ProtecWear My Set 1 Common <here you put the items common to both Risque and Modest> Adult <here you put the adult variant items> Moderate <here you put the moderate variant items> General <here you put the general variant items> AdWear ModerWear GeneWear Protected ProtecWear My Set 2 etc
When you click the "Modesty" button, you get a menu where you can access the same options I just explained. It has two additional buttons:
Set>> This selects one of the sets from the -AutoModesty folder. Settings>> Here you can add the sim you are to your personal PG or ADULT sims list.
This was just a basic introduction to get you going; there is much more to be discovered in the advanced guide.
Button-By-Button Documentation
A detailed description of what each button does.
Button #4: Auto Modesty [ON, OFF, Always Modest, Always Immodest]
Can take on and off clothes based on the rating of the sim you are in – PG or Adult. It has several settings and requires that you create two folders in your #RLV folder, one named -PG and the other -Mature.
- Auto: Puts on and takes off the contents of the #RLV/.AutoModesty folder as explained in the basic guide.
- Auto Off: Turns off the Auto function, keeping clothes as they are.
- Modest: Turns off the Auto function. Puts on the Modest content of your selected set and takes off the Risque content.
- Risque: Turns off the Auto function . Puts on the Risque content of your selected set and takes off the Modest content.
- Set Modest: The region you are currently on will be treated as a PG sim by the auto-modesty function from now on.
- Remove Modest.: If the sim you are in has been added to the list of sims to be treated as PG sims, this button removes it. If it’s not on the list, nothing happens.
- List Modest: Lists the regions currently being treated as PG sims.
- Set Risque: The region you are currently on will be treated as a ADULT sim by the auto-modesty function from now on.
- Remove Risque.: If the sim you are in has been added to the list of sims to be treated as ADULT sims, this button removes it. If it’s not on the list, nothing happens.
- List Risque: Lists the regions currently being treated as ADULT sims.
The Modesty menu features more buttons that will be explained in the advanced guide.
BWP Clothing Alias
This package also contains a selection of BWP Clothing Aliases, invisible prim attachments used to control clothing. Based on what it says in the properties field of the alias, these either take off or put on folders of clothing.
The alias requires Restrained Life Viewer to work. An alias is an invisible prim that attaches temporarily. When attached, it can make you wear or unwear any items in the #RLV folder. The alias itself can use any attachment point and you can give the alias whatever name you want. The command specifying what to wear or take off goes into the alias description, under properties. Max 127 characters
The command has this form:
<command>::<actionitems>::<attachment point>
The attachment point is where the alias will go for a few seconds before detaching themselves. Use any little-used attachment slot (e.g. left pec, right hip ) . HUD positions can be used as well. Avoid using several aliases attaching to the same position in the same folder if possible.
The commands are : (These are case insensitive) Wear, Take Off, Wear All, Take Off All, Doff, Strip
-Wear- Specify an RLV folder to wear. The subfolders are not worn. Example:
This will put on contents of the "#RLV/Mature2 folder", but not any subfolders.
-Take Off- All worn items in a specified an RLV folder are taken off. The subfolders are ignored. Example:
Take Off::Mature2
This will take of the contents of the "#RLV/Mature2" folder, but not any subfolders.
-Wear All- Specify an RLV folder to wear. The subfolders are also worn. Example:
Wear All::Mature2
This will put on the contents of the "#RLV/Mature2" folder, including any subfolders.
-Take Off All- All worn items in a specified an RLV folder and all its subfolders are taken off. Example:
Take Off All::Mature2
This will take of the contents of the "#RLV/Mature2" folder, including any subfolders.
-Doff (or Off)- Take Off all listed attachment points and clothing slots. Mixing is OK. Use ':' to separate items. Example:
Doff::chest:spine:shirt:undershirt:jacket:left shoulder:right shoulder
This will take off whatever is worn on the chest, spine, right shoulder, and left shoulder attachment points, as well as any clothing worn on the shirt, jacket and undershirt positions, stripping the entire upper torso.
-Strip- Strip items according to any one of the listed grouped positions: Top, Bottom, Shoes, All, Cuffs, HUD, Total ('All' leaves hair and HUDs while 'Total' strips everything) Example:
This takes off all clothes and attachments worn on the body except for the head location (where hair is usually worn).