Witchbound Menus

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Second Life
Bondage Witch Project logo




The Witchbound system is used to control all Bondage Witch Project cuffs and some other personal attachments. The Witchbound HUD controls all these devices and who can use them. Each device has its own uses and functions, described in their own separate notecard. Even if you have several Witchbound items, you should only wear a single Witchbound HUD; this HUD will automatically control whatever accessories you are using.

Note on Language

This help page is written as if spoken directly to the wearer of the Witchbound items. "You" is always the wearer. Any other person is identified in some way.

Thank You

We hope you enjoy your purchase and sincerely hope you enjoy your Witchbound item.

Signed, Scarlett Flores, Cidri Katz, Tuft Meili


If you have trouble with your Witchbound HUD, read this.

Lag Delay

The HUD sends a "I am ready" message after you put it on. This takes about 10 seconds when there is no lag. In a laggy sim, this can be delayed by a minute or more. This may disable some functions for the duration. Once that message arrives, everything should be ok.

Missing Buttons

Many menu buttons are context-sensitive. For example, the RLV buttons only appear if you are using an RLV client. If a button is not there, its because it would be useless in this situation.

Refresh and Reset

The Refresh button synchs confused internal variable, and is the easiest fix. Typing "/44 Refresh" does the same thing. Typing "/44 Reload" is a more thorough fix and reloads the menu system, which takes a little while.

Cannot Detach

Another lag problem is when the HUD or cuffs won't detach even after being unlocked AND unsecured ("blue" state). Try securing them again, wait a few seconds, then unsecure again. This applies to most things that get stuck; set the option again, then release and the problem should go away.

Things Go Seriously Bad

You ought to still have your original package - since it is copy, its still in your inventory even if you deleted the one you rezzed. Search for it and take a new set of cuffs/HUD out of it. If you have lost it completely, contact Cidri Katz, and if we can find you in our sales records, we can send a new copy.

Lock Modes

The Witchbound system uses four lock modes, indicated by the color of buttons on the HUD and usually in some way on the cuffs or device controlled by the HUD.

Blue – Unlocked

In this mode, the items are completely unlocked and can be taken off. You can change operators and settings freely. Some describe ths color as torqoise rather than blue.

Green – Secure

This is a basic lock mode that you use yourself. It prevents the cuffs from being taken off accidentally, but you can still unlock them and access all settings.

Yellow – Locked

Normally, others can set you to yellow mode. In this mode, you are locked, and cannot access most functions. Anyone else that you have not blocked can control the cuffs or unlock you.

Red – Operator

Only an Operator or someone using a key can put you in red mode or control your cuffs in red mode. This makes red mode private - only your chosen can control the cuffs or unlock you.


Only those you designate as operators can lock you. Designating operators requires that you edit the "Operators" notecard inside the HUD. After modifying the notecard, push the operators button to make sure the change is loaded.

You can also add and remove operators "on the fly", by using chat commands. You can see what chat commands apply by clicking on "Operators" in the menu. These modifications will be lost if the scripts in the HUD are reset, so it is better to edit the notecard for true permanence.

The operator list cannot be modified while the HUD is locked.

Note that proper uppercase and lowercase letters are essential. Entering "tuft meili" instead of "Tuft Meili" will NOT work. The safest way to do this right is to copy-paste from the profile.

The HUD comes with the core crew at Bondage Witch Project as operators. This means we can help you if you get into a jam, but you can remove these names to be more private.

Witchbound HUD Buttons

The HUD has 5 buttons; the little monster in the background and four text fields. The label on each button is context sensitive, so they are described here by position, from top to bottom.

Buttons are context-sensitive. They disappear when not relevant, and can sometimes change names depending on the circumstances.

First in the description of each button comes the conditions under which it appears, in italics.

In the descriptions themselves,. "you" is always the wearer of the Witchbound HUD.

Menu Icons

These symbols make menus easier to use: ▼ ▲ ► ◄ ● ○ □ ■

▼ ▲ ► ◄ - Navigation ▼ goes to a submenu. ▲ goes up to a previous menu ► ◄ goes to the next section, some menus are so long that they have several sections.

□ ■ - Checkboxes These buttons turn things on and off. Clicking the button toggles the option. An empty checkbox is an option that is currently not active. A full checkbox is an option that is active.

● ○ - Radio Buttons. A series of choices, where only one can be active. For example, your cuffs can be one of a long list of colors. The selected choice is a full ring; the others empty rings. Clicking on the button of an empty ring selects that choice.

"Monster" Button

The Monster button expands and shrinks the HUD, making it take less space on your screen when not in use. When shrunk, it shows your current lock status in the color of the cuff icon.

Button 1

Click to open Witchbound HUD menu. This opens a menu that controls the lock and HUD. This button and menu will be described further below. The color of this button depends on your lock mode.

Button 2

Click to open cuff set menu. Opens RLV menu if no set is worn. This opens a menu to control the cuff or accessory you are wearing. Each such item comes with its own instructions. The color of this button depends on your lock mode.

Button 3

The third button is context-sensitive; a quick access to the most commonly used function in different situations. The text on the button explains what it does.

Quick actions depending on state:

  • Bind Arms
  • Free Arms
  • Free Legs
  • Drop
  • Stand up
  • □ Sit Pose

Button 4

Click to open RLV Relay menu. This controls the built-in RLV relay and will described further below.

Witchbound HUD

This menu can be accessed either by clicking the first HUD button or clicking the cuffs while wearing the HUD. It is inaccessible when the HUD is not worn, which conveniently enough makes the cuffs non-lockable, making it impossible to access the yellow and red lock mode. Because buttons are context-sensitive the names change; this guide describes functions rather than buttons by name.


This is the main Witchbound menu, and deals with, locking, leashing, security, and HUD-related tasks. It needs to be distinguished from the Set Main menu, that deals with things related to the bondage devices you are using.

□ Secure

You get this button when you use your own Witchbound item.

This sets the Lock Mode to Green, making sure any devices cannot be taken off. In this setting, you can still un-secure and control the cuffs. Others get the Locked button instead.

□ Locked

This button is not available to you as the wearer.

This is the menu option as it appears to others that can access your cuffs. You normally end up in Yellow Lock Mode, but if an Operator uses this button you end up in Red Lock Mode.


This gives this list of the available chat commands.

Chat commands: (This list is from local chat)

  • Witchbound Menu: /44 ck menu
  • RLV menu: /44 ck rlv
  • Cuffs menu: /44 ck cuffs
  • Leash menu: /44 ck leashmenu
  • Quickleash: /44 ck leash
  • Unleash: /44 ck unleash
  • Grab: /44 ck grab or /44 ck yank
  • Bind arms: /44 ck bind
  • Release arms: /44 ck unbind
  • Release all: /44 ck releaseall
  • Outfitter menu: /44 ck outfitter

Alternate command forms:

  • /44 ckmenu
  • /44 cidri menu
  • /44 cidri katz menu
  • /44 *menu

Chat commands to equip #RLV folders: (these messages appear only to you)

  • Take off single folder: /44 take off::<folder name>
  • Wear single folder: /44 wear::<folder name>
  • Take off folder and subfolders: /44 take off all::<folder name>
  • Wear folder and subfolders: /44 wear all::<folder name>
  • Take off attachment points or clothing slots: /44 doff::<slot1>:<slot2>:...:<slotN>
    Example: /44 doff::chest:spine:shirt:undershirt:jacket
  • Strip: /44 strip::<position>
    Position can be any one of: total, all, head, top, bottom, shoes, hud, cuffs
    total: All worn items, clothing and HUDs
    all: Everything except for hair and HUDs
    head: Everything on head except for hair
    top: Everything on arms and torso
    bottom: Everything on lower body and hips
    shoes: Everything on legs

huds: All HUDs except the Witchbound HUD
cuffs: Common Cuff positions, Chest, spine, upper and lower arms, lower legs.

  • Change the chat channel from 44 to XX : /44 channel::XX
  • Refresh confused menu system: /44 refresh
  • Reload unresponsive menu system: /44 reload
  • Reload only the HUD menu system: /44 reloadhud
  • Reload only the cuffs menu system: /44 reloadcuffs


Gives you a link to this help page.


This button is never available to you as the wearer and disappears when you are leashed.

Leashes you to a leash handle worn by whoever pushes the button. If they are not wearing a leash handle, the button fails.


This button only appears when you are leashed. It is available to the you as the wearer when in Lock Mode Blue or Green.

Removes any existing leash.


Appears to others when you are leashed.

Pulls on the leash, making you move in that direction.


Appears when you are not leashed.

Pulls you towards the user and immobilizes you. This lasts until the user presses the Release button or moves away from you.


Appears only when grabbed.

Releases a Grab.

Leash ▼

Opens the Leash menu.

Release All

Appears when you are in any Lock Mode other than Blue. Is available to the you as the wearer only when in Lock Mode Green.

Sets Lock Mode to Blue. Removes all poses and disables all restrictions, including RLV Restrictions and Outfit Protection. A good way to end a session safely unlocked.

Locking ▼

Opens the Locking menu.

Settings ▼


RLV only

Gag ▼


To handle

To object ▼

To coffle ▼

Take handle

Length 1m

Length 2m

Length 3m

Length 5m

Settings ▼

Main ▲

Leash Settings

□ Flip Leash

Some viewers have the avatar being dragged facing the wrong way. Use this toggle to fix this.

Length +1m

Length -1m

Size +10%

Size -10%

Reset Size

Leash ▲

Main ▲

Leash Object select

Cancel by clicking "Leash ▲" or "Main ▲" not "Ignore". This also has a timeout.

Leash ▲

Main ▲

Leash Coffle select

Cancel by clicking "Leash ▲" or "Main ▲" not "Ignore"

Leash ▲

Main ▲


● Unlocked

○ Yellow

○ Red

Timer ▼


■ Public

Allows anyone to use the yellow lock mode - when unchecked only operators can access the cuffs.

□ Leave Key

Non-operators can still lock to Red. Only the locker or an operator can unlock.

Safeword ▼

Get Key

Hands out a key that can be used to bypass the normal lock system. At first, the key is unattuned. It needs to be put on the ground near someone wearing a set of cuffs to be attuned - only you or an operator can do this. Thereafter, anyone not on the blacklist can use the key to control the cuffs as an operator would. Keys are specific to cuff sets; they will not work for another of your cuff sets, and each cuff set can only have one key attuned. An attuned key can be copied, and each copy will work just like the original, but to attune a new key the old attunement must first be reset.

Key ▼

Main ▲


(fill in buttons)

Lock Timer

Controls the timer lock function.

+1 min

-1 min

+10 min

-10 min

+1 hour

-1 hour

● Off

De-activate the Lock Timer

○ Real

Activate the Lock Timer. Time spent offline will count against the timer.

○ Online

Activate the Lock Timer. Time spent offline will not count against the timer. The timer stops when you log off and resumes as you log back on, forcing you to play out the entire time you are locked up.


Opens this help page.

Settings ▼

Lock Timer Settings menu

Locking ▲

Lock Timer Settings

+1 day

= -1 day

● Exact

○ Inexact

Only an approximation of the remaining time is shown.

○ Random

Any time period between the chosen time and double the time. No indication of remaining time is shown.

Timer ▲

Back to Lock Timer

Locking ▲



■ Safeword

Activates an escape button (when you are locked, this becomes that escape button)

□ Closed

Locking ▲

Main ▲


You can put the cuffs in unusual lock modes, such as locking yourself to yellow or red mode - which you can't get out of by yourself. Only a wearer or operator can set the cuffs to red. and LEAVE KEYS (only visible with public set) puts the HUD in red lock mode with the person who locked you as a temporary operator - this replaces yellow sessions with more private red sessions without adding an owner.

□ Block

Block any screen interaction when arms are bound. Indicated by a red fog around the HUD.

□ Secure

□ Activity

Show a hovertext activity monitor above the HUD



This sends you a private message in chat, listing the current operators and gives a list of commands to add and remove operators and blacklist.

Main ▲


RLV only Opens a menu where you use RLV functions.

□ Sit

Force sits on a nearby object. A list of objects will appear.

□ Sit Pose

Override arm bondage pose.

Restrict ▼

Sets which options to use. □ENFORCED activates these options.

□ Enforced

This checkbox enforces any RLV restrictions. When unchecked, the current restrictions are stored but not active.

Outfitter ▼

Accesses your inventory, allowing clothing and attachments to be taken on and off.

Protect ▼

Lets you protect certain location on your body. As long as this is enabled, you cannot take off or be stripped of these clothes and attachment points. Mainly useful for tattoos, tails, ears, hair, dicks, nipples, and other things that are integral to your identity and should not be strippable. When protect is on, you cannot take the HUD off.

□ Protected

Strip ▼

Opens a sub-menu that takes off clothes and attachments on parts of the body.

Settings ▼

Goes to a sub-menu.

Main ▲

RLV Restrictions

RLV only

□ Sit

Prevents you from sitting or standing up.

□ Unsit

□ Add Outfit

□ Rem Outfit

□ Edit

□ Rez

□ Inventory

□ Fartouch

□ Fly

□ Sit TP


□ TP Lure

□ Map

□ Mini map

□ Location

Set All

Set None


Main ▲

Next Restriction page

Previous Restriction page

Outfit Protection

RLV only

□ Protect

Clear All

Clothes ▼

Clothing Layers

Body ▼

Body Layers

Head ▼


Torso ▼


Arms ▼


Legs ▼




Outfit Protection Submenu

RLV only

□ (position to be protected)

(next submeny) ▲

Protect ▲


RLV Settings

RLV only

□ Wear All

Wear subfolders with the Outfitters wear command

■ ForceRot

Forbid rotating in place when leg bound.


Main ▲


RLV only

Outfitter Chat Commands

These are not menu buttons, they are just conceptually related to the Outfitter.

The outfitter can also be controlled using chat commands. These all require the RLV relay to work.

Speak these commands on channel 44. You do this by starting your chat line with /44 and then writing the command. The commands must be issued by the HUD wearer or by objects owned by them. A typical usage is a Gesture.

The commands are : Wear, Take Off, Wear All, Take Off All, Doff, Strip These are case insensitive


Specify an RLV folder to wear. The subfolders are not worn.

Example: /44 Wear::Mature2

Take Off

All worn items in a specified RLV folder are taken off. The subfolders are ignored.

Example: /44 Take Off::Mature2

Wear All

Specify an RLV folder to wear. The subfolders are also worn.

Example: /44 Wear All::Mature2

Take Off All

All worn items in a specified an RLV folder and all its subfolders are taken off.

Example: /44 Take Off All::Mature2

Doff (or Off)

Take Off all listed attachment points and clothing slots. Mixing is OK. Use ':' to separate items.

Example: /44 Doff::chest:spine:shirt:undershirt:jacket:left shoulder:right shoulder


Strip items according to any one of the listed grouped positions: Top, Bottom, Shoes, All, Cuffs, HUD, Total

Example: /44 Strip::All ('All' leaves hair and HUDs while 'Total' strips everything)

(#RLV folders)

Next page of #RLV folders


Wear the selected folder. If "Wear All" is selected in RLV Settings the subfolders are worn as well.

Take Off

Take off the selected folder. If "Wear All" is selected in RLV Settings the subfolders are taken off as well.



RLV only







All clothing. Leaving hair, eyes, tattoos and HUDS




Main ▲

Cuff Set

Set Main

□ Arms

□ Legs

□ Sit Pose

Override arm bondage pose.

□ Suspend

Opens the suspension targets menu when activating.

□ Sit

RLV only Opens the sit targets menu when activating.

ArmPoses ▼

LegPoses ▼

Suspend ▼

Doff Cuffs / Doff Yoke / Take Off


□ Hidden


Main ▲

Color ▼

Some sets only

Jewels ▼

Some sets only

Sparkles ▼

Some sets only

Chains ▼

Some sets only


Loose chains. Purely cosmetic.

□ Legs

Connect the ankle cuffs. A common option.

□ (Some other chain variant)

Options ▲

Main ▲


● (Color 1) (selected)

○ (Color n)

Options ▲

More colors

Arm Poses

● (Arm Pose 1)

○ (Arm Pose n)

□ Arms

Main ▲

Leg Poses

● (Leg Pose 1)

○ (Leg Pose n)

□ Legs

Main ▲


● (Suspend Pose 1)

○ (Suspend Pose n)

□ Suspend

Opens the suspension targets menu when activating.


Try this if you get stuck in the wrong pose. Also try turning off your AO.



Main ▲

Suspend Target select

Often no appropriate targets are found. "Quick" can always be used.

(Suspend target 1)

(Suspend target n)


Suspend from mid-air


Main ▲

LED Blink

Band Size

Sit Target select

RLV only

(Sit target 1)

(Sit target n)


Main ▲


Gag Main

Gag Style

Gag Color

Gag Restrict

Gag Remote

Gag Garbling

RLV Relay

An RLV relay works with the Restrained Life Viewer to allow others to control you in other ways, locking you in a sitting position, getting you caught in traps, and so on. Including a RLV relay in the Witchbound HUD is a way to save an attachment point; you don’t need a separate RLV relay item.

The Witchbound RLV relay has collision detection with other RLV relays. It warns you and allows you to shut it off if you are wearing another active RLV relay. Wearing two active relays at once causes a lot of problems.

RLV Relay main

○ Auto

Anyone can use your RLV relay with no prompt or warning.

○ Ask

When Ask is active, you get prompted to allow others try to use your RLV relay.

● Off

The RLV relay is turned off; no-one can use it. Notice that if you are wearing several relays, the Witchbound RLV relay automatically shuts itself off, but others can still control you using your other relay items.

Options ▼

RLV Relay Options

Timer ▼

Temporarily disable the safeword

■ Safeword

□ Group

Auto accept commmands from the same group as you when in "Ask" mode

Main ▲

Back to RLV Relay main

RLV Relay Safeword Timer

+1 min

= -1 min

+10 min

-10 min

+1 hour

-1 hour

● Off

De-activate the Safeword Timer

○ Real

Activate the Safeword Timer. Time spent offline will count against the timer.

○ Online

Activate the Safeword Timer. Time spent offline will not count against the timer. The timer stops when you log off and resumes as you log back on, forcing you to play out the entire time you are locked up.


Opens this help page.

Settings ▼

RLV Relay Safeword Timer Settings menu

Options ▲

Back to RLV Relay Options

RLV Relay Safeword Timer Settings

+1 day

= -1 day

● Exact

○ Inexact

Only an approximation of the remaining time is shown.

○ Random

Any time period between the chosen time and double the time. No indication of remaining time is shown.

Timer ▲

Back to RLV Relay Safeword Timer

Options ▲

Back to RLV Relay Options

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