Witchbound Development (Second Life)

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Second Life
Bondage Witch Project logo



Ideas for the Magic Lock project.

Important To Do

  • Restrictions are way to slow to kick in when logging in.
  • Capture Cuffs are bugged and will expire on re-log.
  • Relay force wear starts a session that doesn't terminate
  • Protection State shouldn't be visible to others
  • Spell out 'Clothing Protection' or 'Worn Protection'
  • Enforce and Restricted toggles have switched places in owner RLV menu
  • Lock Timer restarts when adding item

To Do

  • Capture Cuffs: Initial info message shouldn't appear on second attach
  • Leash should deny TP
    • And force tp along with leash holder.
  • Investigate RLV Relay with disappearing furniture
  • No Hidden while leashed or suspended
  • Chat info about RLV restr. applied
  • Fartouch restr. doesn't work
  • Move 'Key' button to cuffs menu
  • "Release All" activates once the timer runs out. Alt: Timeout unlock button appears in its place on the main menu.
  • Strip specific pieces of clothing/attachments.
  • [16:39] Kaira Silvermist (mewfan151): However, Might I ask that spread and Bunny and Scarecrow be listed as incompatable with tight leg binding?
  • Rotate control when leg bound for others/pet (depending on lock setting)

Taken Care Of?

  • Problem: Rezzing in No-script zone makes restrictions not kick in


  1. Clothing Protection
    1. Protect everything worn
  2. Chat commands for more submenus


  1. Cuff Club Demo Rezzer
    1. Server, Dispenser
    2. Cuffs will accept any BWP server
    3. Greeter, dispende notecards and cuffs on rez in Sim. Customizable by owner
    4. Don't expire just detach(?)

'Tied Behind' Features

  • Hidden ankles and wrist parts turn visible when activated by LG or LM
  • Leg animations, crossed ankles. One piece leg bondage.
    • Hogtie
    • sit
    • Belly
    • Side
  • Force Sit
  • Waist loop for leash and hands front
  • Hands front pose with leash
  • Neck leash part
  • Gorean Meter compatibility

RealRestraint Features

What RealRestraint has that we don't.

  1. Walking/Crawling legbound poses
  2. Specific restrictions for each pose
  3. Struggle out with animations
  4. Block
  5. Solid non-RLV lock handling. Send IM to locker
  6. Auto-lock, timed
  7. Mouselook
  8. Some more features that may be optional
    1. Plugins
    2. Fatigue status when moving
    3. Name on collar
    4. Locked up time score


A Module for generating triggers for events based on conditions. Active conditions may or may not be visible to owner.

Triggering conditions

  • After a time interval
  • After a Random time interval
  • Entering a named Region
  • Leaving a named Region
  • Leaving the current Region
  • Sitting or standing
  • Entering proximity of Object Y
  • Leaving proximity of Object Y
  • Entering proximity of Avatar Z
  • Leaving proximity of Avatar Z
  • etc.

Events (restrict)

  • Lock
  • Start Timer
  • Bind Arms, Legs or Suspend
    • Specified pose
    • Current pose
  • Force sit (No need for RLV relay here)
  • Enforce restrictions (predefined or current)
  • Force TP
  • Strip or force wear
  • Combinations of above
  • Acvtivate RLV Relay

Events (release)

  • Unlock (no longer helpless)
  • Release Arms or whatever
  • Lift restrictions

Consider Doing

  1. LM and LG showing hidden cuff parts
    1. LM sends only on start. Use 'stand up' to end.
  2. Nudge feature: Turn an immobilized AV a few degrees CW or CCW.
    1. Rotation lock toggle
  3. Make the HUD commandable by objects
  4. Sit function should not remove stand up button unless cuffs are locked (Yellow/red)
  5. Color options in Notecard. Owner customizable.
  6. Just use add time buttons on the timer, combined with set to 0
  7. 'Hide' toggle on the Timer
    1. 'Show' is accessible to Owner when Timer is not running.
    2. Time can be exact but only operators can see it when hidden

To Do

  1. Generic handling of cosmetic chains. Expand on Lockmeister.
    1. Source and Target could use LM Names instead of Homebrewed
    2. Witchbound chain anchors could double as LM or even LG
  2. Sit pose hiding of links does not work in no-script zone. Does it have to?
  3. Force unsit button
  4. Save setting in prim desc for persistency
  5. With Quickleash, give handle if they don't have one.
  6. Make room for Gag in the HUD. Make level 2 Gag.
  7. Timer menu: use 1 min, 10 min, 1 Hour. Like the furniture. (6 buttons)
    1. Alt. 1: Select interval (min, 10min, h, d) then click '+' or '-' (6 buttons)
    2. Alt. 2: Select interval (min, h, d) then click '+1', '-1', '+10', '-10' (7 buttons)
  8. Standing leg-tied animation
  9. Separate RLV restrictions for armcuffed and legcuffed
    1. Enforced when cuffed
    2. Dependent on wearing cuffs, but not on specific set.
    3. Suspended and forcedsit should use legcuffed
    4. Enforce is a third set of restrictions, Dependent of HUD only.
    5. Other restriction sets are connected to gag, buttons, etc.
    6. Use Menu System toggles for this.
  10. Thumbcuffs suspension: Strappado
  11. Larger Default sizes

More Features

  1. Timer for Safeword in RLV relay
  2. Rezzable leash post, for quick leashing
  3. Rezzable stocks with Magic Yoke. A legcuffed variant
  4. Cuffed movement (needs animations)
  5. Struggling while Suspended or legcuffed using keys
  6. Forced TP
  7. Allow TP by operators only
  8. TP with leash holder
  9. Use HUD to block screen clicks
  10. Optional release criteria:
    1. Region X
    2. Object named Y
    3. Find avatar Z
    4. Config Lock/Unlock/Bind triggers
  11. Timer or conditional release on specified conditions only (e.g. legcuffed but not armcuffed or keylocked). Have Timer menu in Armposes menu for example.
    1. Armposes, Legposes
    2. Suspension
    3. Restrictions
    4. Force Sit

Even More Features

  1. Struggle animations and/or emotes. User activated
    1. Each try takes (for example) 2 min.
    2. Interruptible by collision or menu
    3. Assistable. Needs extra animation. Lockpicks would provide improved assist.
    4. Makes random percentage progress towards getting free
    5. Clicking 'Bind' button will reset this
  2. Lockpicks
    1. Percentage chance of success. Wait before next try.
  3. Sparkles
    1. Low intensity sparkles
    2. Cycling colors (Available as an extra color option)
    3. Sound fx, chainrattle
  4. Belt front to back (what?)
  5. Different key runes for different sets
  6. Different key runes for different captives
  7. Customizable glow
  8. Hovering text on Keys. Can be turned on and off. Maybe by chat command.
  9. Resizer
  10. Capture cuffs should automatically have captor as Operator (how? A special 'captor HUD' Or maybe the master HUD combined with a cuff set turns it into capture cuffs)

Feature Candidates

  1. Standard #RLV cuff folders for use by Master.
    1. The HUD could report if the cuffs are present (maybe)
  2. Restriction Settings:
    1. No change pose by keyless other when Locked (default ON)
    2. No change pose wearer when Bound or Locked (default ON)
    3. No sit pose (default OFF)
    4. No color change (default OFF)
    5. No sparkle change (default OFF)
    6. No Find Key (default OFF)
    7. No Self Leash when Bound or Locked (default OFF)
    8. No Self Strip when Bound or Locked (default OFF)
  3. Skin change menu.
  4. 'Steal Key' use buy http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetClickAction
  5. Yank animation in leash handle.
  6. Quick 'Release All' with current restrictions and poses saved togethr with releaser ID. This AV gets a 'Quickbind' button which restores all saved restrictions at once. (See 'Combined Release Button' request below)
  7. Male version. What would be different?
    1. U-shape would replace Elbows
    2. Larger size cuffs
  8. Group lock - anyone of same group is superuser, or preferably separated by group title



  • To Belt: Front, sides and back.


  • Hobbled (Short steps animation, no run)
  • Tight (Jump animation)
  • Hogtied (Crawl or roll animation)
  • Frogtied


  • Wrists + legs bent upwards
  • Two or more suspension points. Can this be made to work with any objects? Rezzed runes or bar should work.

Other stuff

Key features

  • Key gets code on rez.
  • Save key identity away from cuffs to make it persistent through reset.
  • When opening Leash... menu, rez one of each number from Targets... with 1% visibility, in order to pre-load these textures.

Other restraint products

  • Clothes destroying piercings, specific body parts, recurring forced detach.
  • Leash standalone script. Put leash in any attachment.
    • Sell this with Copy permission, unlike Xcite's generic leash script.

Different skins. Same scripts

  • Rusted metal (Wastelands)
  • Clunky steampunk
  • Pure Magic Force Runes
  • Low Tech Techno Cuffs: Replace LED with keyhole and key
  • Standalone script package

Products without Lock and Key

Variants not available as RR products:

  • Scarves
  • Tape
  • Cable Ties
  • Wire
  • Superglue
  • Thorns
  • Barbed wire
  • Swimsuit/Tights/Superheroine used as bondage device.

Variant Products

  • Belt and collar with poses that work with any lockmeister cuffs - allows bound poses using third-party cuffs like those pretty boots.


  • Describe how to multiclick Sit Pose to get the furniture animation.
  • Expand button descriptions on the Magic Lock Wiki Page
  • Little "roundhead/superdeformed/chibi" hand-drawn comic strip explaining the difference between the pose settings in the yoke/cuffs.
    • Quick temporary alternative to comic strip: Snapshots

Wish List

  • Stealth Mode: Collar/Cuffs reduced to just a single (jewelry-like) torus... for combining with specific costumes / PG zones. (wished by Tuft) (Scarlett: Implemented invisibility)
  • Combined Release Button: Releases all limits and restraints. Possibly as a toggle, reestablishing the last set of functions and restraints when pressed again. It can be quite a number of buttons to push when finishing up late at night, and its embarrassing to forget even one. (Good point. How many buttons in the worst case scenario? /Gz)
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