Alien Abductions

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Story Synopsis

Initially the aliens wanted human DNA for their collection. (Even space aliens need a hobby.) Tricking numerous males to put sperm into prepared receptors seemed like a good plan. To get a feel for what would work, they uploaded human male preferences into their own mind states. Not knowing any better they decided to copy mind templates from artists depicting creatures similar to themselves. This gave their aesthetic model a decidedly perverted slant.

With their new outlook the aliens found increased personal enjoyment in the collection process. Preparing the collectors is now an important artistic expression. The perverted mind states have become a widely downloaded resource on the galactic web.

The captives are rendered harmless by gluing their limbs together with self-repairing nano-goo. Being soft and squishy themselves the aliens have a great deal of respect for muscle and bone, not unlike what a human might feel about a sharp object near their eyeball. The forcefield powerlifting equipment can handle free-moving humans safely, but this technology is far from stealthy and is only used in far-off locations. Prepared glue traps is a preferred capture method. With the victim fixed in place a custom wormhole portal can be generated within a day or two.

The aliens pride themselves of having a high moral standard. No death or harm of sentient beings is allowed. The receptor's bodies do not age. They are resistant to environmental hazards, supplied with nutrients and are able to regenerate any injury, just like the goo is. Everything is done to keep everybody involved as happy as possible.

Manipulation of earth money has proven to be useful in providing for the well-being of the girls.

Receptor Girls

Receptor Girls are what the aliens call an abductee that has been converted into a living receptacle for human DNA. The victim is captured via a glue trap or otherwise immobilized outright, and then aliens intervene via the alien equivalent of heavy duty power armor, disrobing them and pulling them into their ships.

Only girls that are "suitable" are taken. It is unknown what criteria makes a girl suitable, although it is likely physical attractiveness is one major criteria. Another criteria may be a natural disposition to enjoying the situation, although this is speculation.

Once inside the ship the girls are further restrained and modified. The girls are posed in such a way to make them aesthetically pleasing, both to human men and the alien's now extremely perverse mental states. Invariably these poses leave the girls extremely vulnerable, mimicking an erotic pose that invites anyone viewing to have sex with the girls. These poses are enforced by the same nano-goo that they were originally immobilized outright with. As this nano-goo is self healing and only controllable by the aliens, these poses are utterly permanent. In addition, all receptor girls are also gagged by the same material, leaving them helpless to express themselves.

As mentioned, the girls are also modified extensively while on the alien ships. The girls are infused with extensive nanotechnology, resulting in the following effects:

  • A permanent halt to aging (Eternal Youth)
  • Resistance to environmental hazards (They no longer need clothing or shelter)
  • Supplied with nutrients (They do not need to eat, drink, and perhaps even breathe)
  • Rapid / Instantaneous Regeneration (They cannot be harmed - this includes by disease)
  • Automatic destruction of thin materials resting on their body (They do not need to bathe and their nudity can never be hidden)

In summary, these modifications are for the protection and enjoyment of the girls; the while the girls appear to be physically vulnerable in their restrained state, they are actually immortal and nigh invulnerable -- no human technology can realistically even begin to harm a receptor girl. The flip side to this is that no human technology can release them from their plight, only the aliens can do so.

While not expanded upon yet, the nanites in the receptor girls appear programmed to enforce their situation and otherwise make them permanently available to be "receptors," for example preventing their bodies from being hidden by towels or clothing. Another example is that the girl's erogenous zones are constantly teased, encouraging the girls to seek physical contact with others. It is unknown what other preprogrammed behavior the nanites have at this time.

Receptor girls also can learn to create their own nano-goo. Whether or not this goo is fully functional nanites which would allow the girls to interact with their environments, or merely the same adhesive they were restrained with, is unknown.


Receptor Girls

  • Jessica (19). Pose: Arms glued to her back, legs glued individually stuck with feet all the way to her hips. (The Japanese call this an "M Leg Pose.") Currently under the care of Dr. Harry Throb.
  • Unknown Receptor Girl. Pose: Arms glued to her back, hands grasping her ass, knees glued to her upper arms, enforcing a pose reminiscent to a very lewd version of the "doggie style" pose. Current location unknown.
  • Aimee (18). Pose: Hands glued to the back of her neck, feet glued together. Currently attending University and turning into a Receptor girl in her spare time. Whereas most of the receptor girls have a fairly standard set of modifications, Aimee's Collector pulled some intriguing collection strategies from her mind, not realizing these where actually sexual fantasies that she would rather keep hidden.


  • Doctor Harry Throb. Is taking care of Jessica in his hospital. Seems to lack awareness of Jessica's modesty, inviting reporters and TV crews to examine her defenseless body and discussing aspects of her sexual responses with others. The aliens are very interested in collecting Dr. Throb's DNA.
  • Natalie. Insulted Jessica when she noticed Jessica trying to get someone to touch her (in reality, this was an effect of the nanites). The aliens decided to punish her by giving her a layer of the same nanites, causing wherever she would normally wear a bra and panties to be on display. The aliens eventually grew to like her and made her nanites permanent as a gift. She now has her own late night talk show, "The Naked Truth," which the aliens manipulate ratings and advertising deals behind the scenes to keep on the air -- they're big fans.
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