Warrior Nun

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Nun on nun action!
Nun on nun action!

The Holy Order of St. Katherine is a militant order of warrior nuns. They are witch-hunters who who want to drive the creatures of darkness from the world. They train in the use of weapons, and also keep Bondage Witches and use their powers for good.



Early History

The order was founded by Saint Katherine, a sister of Mercy. She was beset by monsters who was about to defile her when a female angel appeared in a vision. The angel gave her the will and power to fight, and Katherine found that she was holding a sword of great power which she used slay her assailants. After the battle, the angel instructed Katherine in the art of love and battle. Scholars believe that this was the Angel of Death. The theory is supported by the fact that St. Katherine claimed the uniform was based on what the angel wore. Whether the angel's appearance had anything to do with the rumoured war in heaven, or why she gave the Soulreaver to Katherine is not known.

Filled with holy zeal, she returned to the convent and proclaimed her holy mission to fight the creatures of darkness. Such was her presence that none could doubt her. The sisters at the convent were soon converted by her teachings. With the blessing of the Church, she founded the Holy Order of the Sisters of Battle. (The Church was much more tolerant in those days).

Katherine and her sisters fought evil creatures and sorcerers, and she is believed to be the first to have kept a Bondage Witch. She was eventually killed by creatures of darkness, and her sword was lost. Katherine was canonized after her death. Her disciples chronicled her life in The Life of St. Katherine and The Book of the Beast.

Also see: Illustrations St. Katherine offers thanks to the Angel and St. Katherine instructs the Sisters of Mercy in Erotic art of the Holy Church by Werner Holtz.

The Pontifex Ascendant

After the Pontifex made his unholy pact, the sisters could sense his corruption. They began to work against him and the increasingly corrupt church. He disbanded the order and branded the sisters heretics. Such was his power that he could send their souls to Hell.


The sisters practice sex, bondage and flagellation as a means of spiritual development. The order teaches that the sisters must love each other, and that blessed forgiveness comes through sin and punishment. There is plenty of lesbian bondage and displine action!


The sisters battle dress consists of leather corsets, boots and gloves. Robes are sometimes worn. All battle sisters use a sword or a whip in combat, as these were the weapons used by Saint Katherine. They are also trained in unarmed combat.


Some of the Sisters learn miraculous powers. These are commonly divination, healing and warding. Some sisters take further vows, such as a vow of silence (nuns with ballgags!) or chastity (sex only with women). This can give increased spirtual powers (chi) but has no real game effect.

The Order of the Lash

These are the sisters of battle that the Pontifex condemned to Hell. They were eventually corrupted, but Sofia was able to reform them. Since the Beast (Spawn) was killed, the power of the captive Angel keeps the darkness at bay.

The sisters of the lash wear the traditional uniform of the Sisters of Battle, but wear a wimple at all times. Wimple and robes are sometimes made of leather. These sisters are experts in the use of whips in combat and for pleasure.

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