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Cornelia DeHeat

Species: Human Height:180cm Weight: About 75 kilos. Hair: White-blonde. Eyes: Pale blue or glowing red when angry or under stress.

She's a member of a strange order of knights who worship Death, Undeath and Necromantic Gods, known as The Crypt Knights. Her particular chapter is known as the Order of the Setting Sun. Although a gloomy bunch they are not neccessary evil although some actions would seem evil to the casual viewer.

Cornelia is sworn never to prevent death from claiming a life and thus would never help a dying person. But at the same time she's sworn to comfort people who are dying to make the transition into another world. Therefore she'd not help the dying one to live but would keep a vigil by his or her bed, comforting, easing some pain if possible. The duality of comforting the mourning and never saving lives makes most people uneasy around the members of this order of mystics.

The same duality applies to their seemingly illogical hatred towards those of the undead who still possess a soul. Spirits walking the lands of the living are an affront to these people. At the same time they themselves sometimes turn into undead and freely make use of skeletons and zombies to takle care of various needs and tasks, for chrypt knights are granted some necromantic powers by the gods and phenomena they worship.

Cornelia is a relatively young woman at 24 years of age. Well developed curves, large breasts and long legs would make her seem more at home as a dancer or courtesan at some court. This, however is not the case. Her kneelength white hair is bound together in a single tight braid, her warm, very living body encased in a cuirass of blackest rune-steel and greaves of the same material covers her legs and arms. Clasps and buckles seem to be made from ivory, but they might be of some even more sinister material...

A long one-edged sword rides on her hip and her strides are not hindered by its weight so she's most likely very well versed in its use and handling.

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