Demon Horde

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Dark City

Miro Hishima and Phoenix take Sonia Wight to the Qirex Kombinat post-race party. Sonia is almost comatose after the over stimulation she received in the race. Phoenix takes the chance to open up her coveralls some more and they make quite a splash at the party. Sonia Wight comes to when she is about to do a striptease on a pool table - she is embarrassed but manages a reasonably elegant exit.

Post-party angst for Sonia Wight, while Phoenix sleeps it off.

NurseAlexandra was at the AdPanel opening party in her section of Level42 when she got a call from Headnurse Cornbelt. Camille Reichenbach was missing. Alexandra immediately took the nearest GravLift to Level81 and reported to Headnurse Cornbelt.

Headnurse Cornbelt assigned a team of nurses and two guards to NurseAlexandra. NurseAlexandra used her Mind Web to locate Camille Reichenbach while Phoenix and Sonia Wight follow the team.

They track the escaped patient to an abandoned shaft, and arrive just in time to see Camille Reichenbach leap to her death. Alexandra leaps into the shaft and unfurls the wings of her Aerial Mobility Unit. Thanks to the speed of her arcanotech wings, she is able to catch Camille.

Meanwhile, a group of demons begin to manifest at the top of the shaft. Sonia Wight and Phoenix are hard pressed to fend them off. When MistressAlexandra reappears the team withdraws and close a heavy blast door in an attempt to seal off the demons horde. They watch in horror as the door begins to move as Demon Alpha begins to manifest. Sonia empties her ARX32 into the door and destroys it before Demon Alpha if fully manifested.

As Our Heroines leave the building, they encounter a team of troopers in Power Armor, bearing the golden laurel of City Hall. They are told to leave, and that City Hall will take care of the problem, by their officer Helena King.

Jennifer Blair offers NurseAlexandra some CoffieNax and a (nice, friendy and non-intimate) shower scene.

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