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Dark City

Phoenix is taken to a high-security Ascension Corp research facility under the watchful care of Psiborg Isobel, Angel Michael, and Angel Gabriel. The facility is heavily shielded psionically, but Phoenix manages to implant a suggestion into Psiborg Isobel to deliver a warning to Our Heroines.

In the aftermath of the battle at the Dominatrix Coven, MistressAlexandra tries to order Sonia Wight to help the wounded or at least clean up the mess, but she is too disgusted to do so and steps into the street in a faint. There, she meets the nice Mr. Hellman, a distinguished older gentleman for whom she lightens her heart. She feels a slight touch of mind magic while in the bathroom, but not enough to make her truly suspicious. It is only when she links herself up to a surveillance camera in order to spy on Psiborg Isobel that she learns the truth.

Under Phoenix's suggestion, Psiborg Isobel delivers the message to MistressAlexandra at the Dominatrix Coven, to the consternation of both of them. On the way home, Isobel is passing through a warehouse district when Hellman suddenly approaches her and takes her hand. One of the disguised techno demons pass in the background, and Sonia Wight notices that his ancient wind-up watch is actually a part of his metal wrist! It is Demon Beta! He leads Psiborg Isobel away, despite some initial attempts at resistance on her part.

Worried, Sonia Wight sends a mental message to Isobel and sets up a date two hours later. She then catches Alexandra at the Dominatrix Coven, and together they investigate. First, they check out the place where Psiborg Isobel was kidnapped. The trail leads to a nearby elevator, where Isobel and Demon Beta spend some time together and then part. Puzzled, they go to her apartment ahead of time. Alexandra remain outside while Sonia Wight charms her way into the building, dumping her bloodstained clothing in favor of a Holo Suit Ascension Corp dress piece. There she sets up a magical sensor in the apartment, seeing Isobel giving a good show in the shower. Intrigued, Sonia Wight waits for her to get just so dressed that she can open the door before ringing the bell.

Entering the apartment, she takes Isobel into her confidence and tells her abut Demon Beta while the beautiful Psiborg gets dressed. A few glances pass between them, but Isobel needs to report to Angel Gabriel, and Sonia Wight takes the chance to get a good shower after the bloody mess at the Dominatrix Coven. The call done, Isobel returns to speaking to Sonia and finds her naked and upset in the shower. A few questions later, and Sonia is confessing the confusion she feels at the lack of understanding her friends show at her detachment form reality, and the pains of getting it all thrown physically in her face. Peering into the future to find an angle for a seduction, Sonia sees Isobel slowly seducing her, and merely goes with the flow, helping Isobel along. With her final controlled thoughts, Sonia decides to wake up before Isobel and tie her up in bed, to check if she is still affected by Demon Beta, but the thought drowns in waves of pleasure. Isobel is good!

Meanwhile, Phoenix is chained in the lab and comes under the care of Dr Solomon, a caring psychiatrist. He speaks to her at length, then decides to make the milieu easer for her by recreating some of the atmosphere from HeavenAndHell from her memories - creating a holographic stage, audience, and bondage gear to show Phoenix off. The work crews who install this stuff are dubious but efficient.

In her guise as Nurse, Alexandra goes to check up on Camille Reichenbach, and receives instructions from Headnurse Cornbelt. The charade of acting under disguise before Camille is starting to grate, and Alexandra tries to figure out how Camille would react if the truth was revealed. Realizing it would be a shock, and probably a cause for enmity for both Headnurse Cornbelt and James Davenport, she desists and plans rather than acts. As an additional annoyance, Samantha Vanderbilt has been acting up lately.

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