Witchbound Development (Second Life)
From Grigbertz
(Redirected from Magic Lock Project (Second Life))
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Ideas for the Magic Lock project.
Important To Do
- Restrictions are way to slow to kick in when logging in.
- Capture Cuffs are bugged and will expire on re-log.
- Relay force wear starts a session that doesn't terminate
- Protection State shouldn't be visible to others
- Spell out 'Clothing Protection' or 'Worn Protection'
- Enforce and Restricted toggles have switched places in owner RLV menu
- Lock Timer restarts when adding item
To Do
- Capture Cuffs: Initial info message shouldn't appear on second attach
- Leash should deny TP
- And force tp along with leash holder.
- Investigate RLV Relay with disappearing furniture
- No Hidden while leashed or suspended
- Chat info about RLV restr. applied
- Fartouch restr. doesn't work
- Move 'Key' button to cuffs menu
- "Release All" activates once the timer runs out. Alt: Timeout unlock button appears in its place on the main menu.
- Strip specific pieces of clothing/attachments.
- [16:39] Kaira Silvermist (mewfan151): However, Might I ask that spread and Bunny and Scarecrow be listed as incompatable with tight leg binding?
- Rotate control when leg bound for others/pet (depending on lock setting)
Taken Care Of?
- Problem: Rezzing in No-script zone makes restrictions not kick in
- Clothing Protection
- Protect everything worn
- Chat commands for more submenus
- Cuff Club Demo Rezzer
- Server, Dispenser
- Cuffs will accept any BWP server
- Greeter, dispende notecards and cuffs on rez in Sim. Customizable by owner
- Don't expire just detach(?)
'Tied Behind' Features
- Hidden ankles and wrist parts turn visible when activated by LG or LM
- Leg animations, crossed ankles. One piece leg bondage.
- Hogtie
- sit
- Belly
- Side
- Force Sit
- Waist loop for leash and hands front
- Hands front pose with leash
- Neck leash part
- Gorean Meter compatibility
RealRestraint Features
What RealRestraint has that we don't.
- Walking/Crawling legbound poses
- Specific restrictions for each pose
- Struggle out with animations
- Block
- Solid non-RLV lock handling. Send IM to locker
- Auto-lock, timed
- Mouselook
- Some more features that may be optional
- Plugins
- Fatigue status when moving
- Name on collar
- Locked up time score
A Module for generating triggers for events based on conditions. Active conditions may or may not be visible to owner.
Triggering conditions
- After a time interval
- After a Random time interval
- Entering a named Region
- Leaving a named Region
- Leaving the current Region
- Sitting or standing
- Entering proximity of Object Y
- Leaving proximity of Object Y
- Entering proximity of Avatar Z
- Leaving proximity of Avatar Z
- etc.
Events (restrict)
- Lock
- Start Timer
- Bind Arms, Legs or Suspend
- Specified pose
- Current pose
- Force sit (No need for RLV relay here)
- Enforce restrictions (predefined or current)
- Force TP
- Strip or force wear
- Combinations of above
- Acvtivate RLV Relay
Events (release)
- Unlock (no longer helpless)
- Release Arms or whatever
- Lift restrictions
Consider Doing
- LM and LG showing hidden cuff parts
- LM sends only on start. Use 'stand up' to end.
- Nudge feature: Turn an immobilized AV a few degrees CW or CCW.
- Rotation lock toggle
- Make the HUD commandable by objects
- Sit function should not remove stand up button unless cuffs are locked (Yellow/red)
- Color options in Notecard. Owner customizable.
- Just use add time buttons on the timer, combined with set to 0
- 'Hide' toggle on the Timer
- 'Show' is accessible to Owner when Timer is not running.
- Time can be exact but only operators can see it when hidden
To Do
- Generic handling of cosmetic chains. Expand on Lockmeister.
- Source and Target could use LM Names instead of Homebrewed
- Witchbound chain anchors could double as LM or even LG
- Sit pose hiding of links does not work in no-script zone. Does it have to?
- Force unsit button
- Save setting in prim desc for persistency
- With Quickleash, give handle if they don't have one.
- Make room for Gag in the HUD. Make level 2 Gag.
- Timer menu: use 1 min, 10 min, 1 Hour. Like the furniture. (6 buttons)
- Alt. 1: Select interval (min, 10min, h, d) then click '+' or '-' (6 buttons)
- Alt. 2: Select interval (min, h, d) then click '+1', '-1', '+10', '-10' (7 buttons)
- Standing leg-tied animation
- Separate RLV restrictions for armcuffed and legcuffed
- Enforced when cuffed
- Dependent on wearing cuffs, but not on specific set.
- Suspended and forcedsit should use legcuffed
- Enforce is a third set of restrictions, Dependent of HUD only.
- Other restriction sets are connected to gag, buttons, etc.
- Use Menu System toggles for this.
- Thumbcuffs suspension: Strappado
- Larger Default sizes
More Features
- Timer for Safeword in RLV relay
- Rezzable leash post, for quick leashing
- Rezzable stocks with Magic Yoke. A legcuffed variant
- Cuffed movement (needs animations)
- Struggling while Suspended or legcuffed using keys
- Forced TP
- Allow TP by operators only
- TP with leash holder
- Use HUD to block screen clicks
- Optional release criteria:
- Region X
- Object named Y
- Find avatar Z
- Config Lock/Unlock/Bind triggers
- Timer or conditional release on specified conditions only (e.g. legcuffed but not armcuffed or keylocked). Have Timer menu in Armposes menu for example.
- Armposes, Legposes
- Suspension
- Restrictions
- Force Sit
Even More Features
- Struggle animations and/or emotes. User activated
- Each try takes (for example) 2 min.
- Interruptible by collision or menu
- Assistable. Needs extra animation. Lockpicks would provide improved assist.
- Makes random percentage progress towards getting free
- Clicking 'Bind' button will reset this
- Lockpicks
- Percentage chance of success. Wait before next try.
- Sparkles
- Low intensity sparkles
- Cycling colors (Available as an extra color option)
- Sound fx, chainrattle
- Belt front to back (what?)
- Different key runes for different sets
- Different key runes for different captives
- Customizable glow
- Hovering text on Keys. Can be turned on and off. Maybe by chat command.
- Resizer
- Capture cuffs should automatically have captor as Operator (how? A special 'captor HUD' Or maybe the master HUD combined with a cuff set turns it into capture cuffs)
Feature Candidates
- Standard #RLV cuff folders for use by Master.
- The HUD could report if the cuffs are present (maybe)
- Restriction Settings:
- No change pose by keyless other when Locked (default ON)
- No change pose wearer when Bound or Locked (default ON)
- No sit pose (default OFF)
- No color change (default OFF)
- No sparkle change (default OFF)
- No Find Key (default OFF)
- No Self Leash when Bound or Locked (default OFF)
- No Self Strip when Bound or Locked (default OFF)
- Skin change menu.
- 'Steal Key' use buy http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetClickAction
- Yank animation in leash handle.
- Quick 'Release All' with current restrictions and poses saved togethr with releaser ID. This AV gets a 'Quickbind' button which restores all saved restrictions at once. (See 'Combined Release Button' request below)
- Male version. What would be different?
- U-shape would replace Elbows
- Larger size cuffs
- Group lock - anyone of same group is superuser, or preferably separated by group title
- To Belt: Front, sides and back.
- Hobbled (Short steps animation, no run)
- Tight (Jump animation)
- Hogtied (Crawl or roll animation)
- Frogtied
- Wrists + legs bent upwards
- Two or more suspension points. Can this be made to work with any objects? Rezzed runes or bar should work.
Other stuff
Key features
- Key gets code on rez.
- Save key identity away from cuffs to make it persistent through reset.
- When opening Leash... menu, rez one of each number from Targets... with 1% visibility, in order to pre-load these textures.
Other restraint products
- Clothes destroying piercings, specific body parts, recurring forced detach.
- Leash standalone script. Put leash in any attachment.
- Sell this with Copy permission, unlike Xcite's generic leash script.
Different skins. Same scripts
- Rusted metal (Wastelands)
- Clunky steampunk
- Pure Magic Force Runes
- Low Tech Techno Cuffs: Replace LED with keyhole and key
- Standalone script package
Products without Lock and Key
Variants not available as RR products:
- Scarves
- Tape
- Cable Ties
- Wire
- Superglue
- Thorns
- Barbed wire
- Swimsuit/Tights/Superheroine used as bondage device.
Variant Products
- Belt and collar with poses that work with any lockmeister cuffs - allows bound poses using third-party cuffs like those pretty boots.
- Describe how to multiclick Sit Pose to get the furniture animation.
- Expand button descriptions on the Magic Lock Wiki Page
- Little "roundhead/superdeformed/chibi" hand-drawn comic strip explaining the difference between the pose settings in the yoke/cuffs.
- Quick temporary alternative to comic strip: Snapshots
Wish List
- Stealth Mode: Collar/Cuffs reduced to just a single (jewelry-like) torus... for combining with specific costumes / PG zones. (wished by Tuft) (Scarlett: Implemented invisibility)
- Combined Release Button: Releases all limits and restraints. Possibly as a toggle, reestablishing the last set of functions and restraints when pressed again. It can be quite a number of buttons to push when finishing up late at night, and its embarrassing to forget even one. (Good point. How many buttons in the worst case scenario? /Gz)