Level Chute

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Dark City

LevelChutes are huge chutes that connect the different levels of Dark City. Well over a kilometer in dameter, they are full of traffic, with Grav Cars going up, down and across. But there are no permanently structures in Level Chutes; no bridges, no floating palaces, just a steady stream of traffic.

The sides of a Level Chute is prime property, often containing stylish clubs, corporate headquarters, temples of successful Cult Gangs and fancy restaurants.

Sometimes, there is a rush of jumpers a Level Chute. One person suicide jumps, which triggers a rash of other suicides as other depressed people follow, lemming-like. It is considered good sport to bag yourself a jumper, that is to shoot such a suicide jumper.

Naturally, people get thrown in during fights or as murders, which also triggers such a rush.

During Gate Crasher, Our Heroines discover that these Level Chutes are also huge Power Lines, sending Chi Energy down into the bowels of the Dark City.

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