Bondage Witch (d20)

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The bondage witch is an apparently helpless victim to the lusts of humanoids and monsters alike. But when the horny brutes give in to their lower instincts, they become vulnerable to the subtle machinations of the Witch's magic.

Bondage witches are made, not trained. Any spellcaster can find herself enslaved, tied and bound, rendering most of her magic impotent. A bondage witch learns to work her magic despite the bonds. She learns to enjoy the bondage, weave her magic into it, and in the end might grow dependent on it.

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Most bondage witches started out as bards, sorcerers, or wizards before they were captured and bound. But any spellcaster can potentially become a bondage witch. Divine spellcasters must work out how being in bondage affects the relationship with their patron. There are some class abilities geared towards bards and wizards, but these are optional.

Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spells per day
1st+0+2+0+2Slave of the chains, Slave Endurance, Slave Music+1 level of existing class
2nd+1+3+0+3Slave gift+1 level of existing class
3rd+1+3+1+3Slave gift+1 level of existing class
4th+2+4+1+4Slave gift+1 level of existing class
5th+2+4+1+4Slave gift+1 level of existing class
6th+3+5+2+5Slave gift+1 level of existing class
7th+3+5+2+5Slave gift+1 level of existing class
8th+4+6+2+6Slave gift+1 level of existing class
9th+4+6+3+6Slave gift+1 level of existing class
10th+5+7+3+7Slave gift+1 level of existing class




To qualify as a bondage witch, one must fulfill the following prerequisites:

Spells: Able to cast second level spells.

Race: Must belong to a race considered generally attractive, even among monsters such as dragons. In most cases, humans, elves, half-elves, halflings, and gnomes qualify.

Special: The bondage witch must appear to be young and attractive.

Special: Must be habitually in bondage during most of a level.

Class Features

All of the following are Class Features of the bondage witch prestige class.

Hit Dice: d4.

Class Skills: The bondage witch's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Bondage witches gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: When a new bondage witch level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that she adds the level of bondage witch to the level of some other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day, spells known, and caster level accordingly.

Slave of the Chains: This is the first ability of the bondage witch, and signifies her adaptation and growing affection for the chains. When in exposed and in arm bondage (or more severely bound), she can automatically apply the Eschew Material Components, Silent Spell and Still Spell metamagical feats to all her spells with no change in caster level or casting time. She need not know these feats to use the ability. In addition, she automatically succeeds at any spellcasting Concentration check imposed by grappling or bondage.

Slave Endurance (su): A bondage witch develops great endurance in order to walk around naked and resist the hardships inflicted by her master. She can sleep in uncomfortable positions, has a resistance to the elements like the endure elements spell, and receives Endurance as a bonus feat.

Slave Music: A bondage witch with training as a bard can continue to progress in her bardic music ability, tough she does not gain new bard songs. She gains one additional use per day per level as a bondage witch, and she can add her level as a bondage witch to her bard level to determine the effect of the bardic songs she knows. In addition, she can use bardic music even if her bondage prevents it, using her stage presence and the attractiveness of her bound form in lieu of actual performance.

Slave of the Book (ex): A bondage witch has great trouble carrying equipment, and most specifically a spellbook. With this ability, she gains the Spell Mastery feat for all her spells. She still needs to write down any new spells in a spellbook before she masters them. This ability is pointless for a bondage witch who does not use a spellbook.

Slave Gift: At second level and each level thereafter, the bondage witch chooses one slave gift from the table below. She can select any gift numbered less than her class level + Charisma bonus.

Though bondage witch powers would seem to be mind-affecting in nature, they do in fact control a creature through bodily impulses. Slave gifts that affect others often allow Will saving throws, but are not considered mind-affecting, enhancements, or compulsions. They are based on lust, and thus work only on creatures that would find the bondage witch sexually attractive. This is what is meant by spectators in the power descriptions below. In a game where this class is likely to be used, this includes almost anything, from mindless constructs and undead over dragons and non-humanoid monsters to other members of her own species and gender. If this class is used in a more realistic campaign, the Slave of Fantasy ability can extend the range of creatures the bondage witch can affect.

A bondage witch must be in bondage and mostly naked to use such powers; this includes arm bondage (see the appendix) and leaving her genitals exposed. Any bondage that the witch could escape without help confers no benefits. This includes trick bondage, but also a bondage witch with abilities, items or spells that allow easy escape or an excessive skill in Escape Artist. A bondage witch is mostly bound by someone else, and that person gains a certain amount of protection from the bondage witch's magic; the binder automatically passes any saving throw against a spell cast by the bondage witch and against all bondage witch class abilities.

A creature must also be able to sense the witch in order to be vulnerable to these abilities, but sensing her with alternate senses such as blindsight, tremorsense or touch makes you qualify as a spectator. A blind creature lacking other exceptional senses must touch the bondage witch to count; normal smell and hearing is to dull.

Possible Slave Gifts

  1. Slave Beauty
  2. Slave of Lust
  3. Slave Fascination
  4. Slave of Jealousy
  5. Slave Charm
  6. Dominant Spell
  7. Slave of the Body
  8. Slave of the Mind
  9. Slave Visions
  10. Slave of Fantasy
  11. Slave of Conflict

Dominant Spell (ex): When casting a spell immediately upon being ordered to do so by their Master (a standard action for the master), the spell is made more powerful. The bondage witch can apply up to three levels of Metamagic feats she knows to the spell, without increasing its casting time or the level of spell slot used.

Slave Beauty (su): The bondage witch can distract a spectator within 100 ft. as a standard action. A creature distracted this way is dazed 1d6 rounds. The Will save to avoid is DC 10 + Charisma bonus + ½ Character level.

Slave of Lust (ex): The bondage witch can inspire uncontrollable lust in a spectator, causing it to drop whatever it is holding or doing in an immediate attempt to grapple with and have its way with her. This affects a single target within 100 ft. and takes a standard action to do. The Will save to avoid is DC 10 + Charisma bonus + ½ Character level. The creature is oblivious to the surroundings, but will break out of the lust if it takes any damage. A creature that successfully saves is immune to the effect for 24 hours, but a creature that fails to save but is taken out of the lust is subject to further uses of the power.

Slave Fascination (ex): The bondage witch can fascinate spectators looking at her, distracting them. A creature fascinated with this ability can become intimate with the bondage witch on its own initiative, but is not compelled to do so. This ability affects all creatures within a 100 ft.-radius emanation from the Bondage Witch and requires no action on her part, any creature entering the area must save unless circumstances (such as an ongoing fight) would make it immune to fascination. The Will save to avoid is DC 10 + Charisma bonus + ½ Character level. A creature that successfully saves is immune to the effect for 24 hours, but a creature that fails to save but is taken out of the fascination might have to save again at a later time.

After one minute of fascination, the spectator's attitude to the bondage witch becomes indifferent if it started out worse than that. After 10 minutes of fascination the effect ends. Spectators have had their fill of ogling the bondage witch and most will move on.

Slave of Jealousy (su): The bondage witch can inspire insane jealousy in a spectator within a 100 ft. as a standard action. Any creature affected by this ability immediately attacks the nearest creature it knows of, other than the bondage witch. A creature that is or pretends to be helpless is not attacked. Pretending helplessness requires you to either fall prone and do absolutely nothing or refrain from attacking or casting obvious spells and succeed on a DC 15 Bluff check. A good or lawful creature forced to attack its friends in this way can attempt a new saving throw each round to resist the effect. Using or maintaining this ability requires a standard action. If an affected creature moves out of range or cannot sense anyone who is not helpless other than the bondage witch, slave of jealousy is negated.

Slave Charm (su): The bondage witch can charm any spectator, as the spell charm person, except it is not limited to humanoids. Unlike the spell but like other bondage witch powers, this is not a mind-affecting ability.

Slave of the Body (ex): When mostly naked and in bondage, any creature who grapples her automatically fails any saving throw against her spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities.

Slave of the Mind (su): When in bondage, the bondage witch can dominate any spectator immediately after it has had sex with her, as the spell dominate person, except it is not limited to humanoids. Unlike the spell but like other bondage witch powers, this is not a mind-affecting ability.

Slave Visions (sp): When bound to be helpless, the bondage witch's spirit can leave her body invisibly in incorporeal form and travels to distant locations. The spirit can move 100 feet per round, and can see and hear anything you could if you were in the same location. You can be blocked by any spell that wards incorporeal creatures, and it can be detected and attacked in the same way as incorporeal creatures can. Your spirit can do nothing but move and observe—it cannot speak, attack, cast spells, or perform any other action. You can instantaneously return to your body as a standard action. If your body is untied, disturbed or attacked while your spirit is wandering, the spell ends immediately.

Slave of Fantasy: The bondage witch can inspire lust even in creatures who would not normally fall for her charms. Any creature with an intelligence score of 1 or higher is now considered a spectator. See the note on spectators and sexual preference above.

Slave of Conflict (su): The bondage witch can inspire insane jealousy in all spectators within a 100 ft.-radius emanation; this works like the Slave of Jealousy ability. Using or maintaining this ability requires a full-round action. If an affected creature moves out of range or cannot sense anyone other than the bondage witch, slave of jealousy is negated.

Ex-Bondage Witches

A bondage witch that goes a week without being bound for at least a day loses all special abilities but keeps her spells. She must spend a full day in severe bondage to regain her class abilities.


This class is not made for general gameplay, but to be used in a sex and bondage themed campaign. As such, it is not balanced against other classes.

Sex and Recuperation

In a campaign with a sexual theme, having sex often has some recuperative powers, generally being the equivalent of a full night's rest. This means spending an hour having sex allows you to heal and recover spells.

Appendix: Forms of Bondage

These are typical ways a bondage witch can be bound, and their effect in game terms.

Arm Bondage: The witch's arms are bound behind her back or otherwise made completely useless. The witch cannot use weapons or tools in her hands, including wands and staffs. This enables Still Spell and Eschew Material Components for a bondage witch. In most cases, a bondage witch must have her arms bound to be considered to be in bondage.

Leg Bondage: Bound legs makes the victim unable to walk, but she can still crawl 5 ft. or hop at half speed as a standard action that triggers attacks of opportunity.

Full Bondage: This includes conditions like being hog tied, in a pillory or in manacles bolted to a wall. A character who is fully bound is helpless and otherwise includes the effect of arm and leg bondage. A helpless target is treated as having a Dexterity of 0 (-5 modifier). Melee attacks against a helpless target get a +4 bonus (equivalent to attacking a prone target). Ranged attacks gets no special bonus against helpless targets. Rogues can sneak attack helpless targets.

Blindfold: A blind bondage witch cannot use vision to see. She can still target her spells on anyone touching her.

Gag: A gagged witch cannot speak, including spells with verbal components or command words for magic items. This enables Silent Spell for a bondage witch, but does not allow her to talk, use command words, or order charmed creatures about.

Arm Constraint: Constrained arms are tied to your front so that they can still hold objects and imposes a -2 penalty on attack rolls.

Leg Constraint: This includes such things as uncomfortable shoes or an ankle chain, and prevents running or charging. Leg constraints also give a -5 circumstance penalty on Climb, Swim, and Tumble checks.

General Constraint: Arm and leg constraint, often combined with other discomforts such as snares, clips, or constraining fetish outfits. General constraint leaves you entangled: Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the spell's level) or lose the spell.

See Also

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