Aryel Zombie Hunting (Second Life)

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A Winner is Me! Badass Bounty Hunter of the Month at TDT
A Winner is Me! Badass Bounty Hunter of the Month at TDT

Written by Aryel Magnifico

In-world Profile:

As an Avatar of Freya my unclothed body is blessed with divine endurance and strength.

The earthly powers were sceptical and declared me a Weapon of Mass Destruction. To fight the Zombie Invasion, I agreed to let them put me in restraints.

My little minder Mini-Thor handles most threats using Lightning. Faced with extra strong enemies, I'm let loose to defeat them in close combat.

These are my current favorite places for Zombie Hunting in Second Life. All of them use the Grim Combat System, a.k.a. GCS.

Since my preferred action attire is less than decent, I have only reviewed zones allowing nudity.

Many of these places don't get the traffic they deserve. Please give them a try!

Do try to beat my local score rank and don't hesitate to tip the sim owner if you enjoyed their work.

This list is from 2016 and completely out of date.

My Favourites

Places I visit whenever I log on.

Timed Death Terminal

Starring in a western movie
Starring in a western movie

A.k.a. TDT. Full name: Timed Death Terminal GCS at Brave Island

This place is amazing, both in quality and quantity! The difficulty is very high. Even the beginner areas are brutal.

When you have mastered the necessary skills the gameplay is very satisfying. Quaffing Berserker potions will help you survive.

There are a huge number of quests, some easy, some quite hard, e.g. "kill 500 zombies in 10 minutes". Questing here will gain you loads of coins. On the other hand, you will consume lots of potions.

TDT Gamepay on YouTube: TDT, Moon Crater, Western Town (co-starring me!)

Aryel and The Rift
Aryel and The Rift

There are several full-size levels each with its own theme:

  • Landing Area Lots of quick quests and tons of low level zombies.
  • Beginners Melee Cute Alice in Wonderland theme.
  • Playground Beginning Snipers Training Zone.
  • Underwater Shipwreck Combat Zone Beautiful scenery.
  • Subzomia A personal favorite. Lots of lvl 18 melee zombies - Watchtower Treehouse In the treetops of Subzomia you have to defend against naughty pixies and angry birds.
  • Timed Death Terminal City The deadliest GCS area I ever tried. Anti-venom to counter the fatties' toxic bile is a must for survival. Some parts of this area are reserved for PVP. - Rooftops High above the street level life is still hard.
  • Western Town Mixed monsters levels 1 to 18, melee and ranged. Another personal favorite. I usually rely on Lightning Bolt here.
  • Underground Cave with recovery room at Underground Maze Really tough opposition here. Some parts of this area are intended for team play.
  • Moon Crater Both melee and ranged opposition. Yet another personal favorite. Here I prefer using a melee weapon.
  • Eve's Hell on Earth Three small areas spawning lots of lvl 18.

My local scores rank: 6th

Brave Island Moderate - Nudity is allowed.

Zombie Land USA

Small Town U.S.A. Before and After
Small Town U.S.A. Before and After

Full sim modern city with several quests. You also get to destroy stuff, scoring points in a separate mini-game.

Crush windows! Blow up gas tanks! Shoot mailboxes and teller machines! One minute later they are good as new. The zombie killing action is also quite satisfying.

Note: Only GCS weapons able to shoot bullets work with the mini-game. Set your ranged weapon's Bullets to "GCS damage".

A Beach/airport area is under development. Reached by sim teleporter.

My local scores rank: 4th

Baldorya Moderate - Nudity is allowed.

The Undead

Zombie Baiting
Zombie Baiting

Well-made post-apocalyptic city with background story. The abandoned amusement park is particularly beautiful.

Plenty of interesting quests, some quite hard.

Zombie spawning is of easy to medium difficulty. Exception: Brutal Grind area in the school top floor. NW corner of the map. Recommended for experienced players.

My local scores rank: 3rd

Forest Island Adult

Bermuda Brainbiters

A rainy day, down on the planet surface.
A rainy day, down on the planet surface.

Sci-Fi themed full sim with several levels of varying size. High difficulty. PVP enabled. Most of the action is onboard a space station.

Take the elevator to "level 1", "Reactor" or "Planetfall" for Zombie action.

Go to "Command" and take a teleporter to the high level grinding arena.

There is one quest giver so far.

My local scores rank: 2nd

Bermuda Triangle Adult

Action and Questing

Places offering excellent gameplay.


Night fighting
Night fighting

A.k.a. Survivors: Will you survive the Zombie Apocalypse? Or die like the rest.

Excellent for zombie action. Medium to high level. All types of monsters can be found here: aliens, military zombies, goblins, orcs, etc.

Several repeatable quests. (last count: 16+)

My local scores rank: 5th

Torn Moderate - The rules allow nudity.

Shadow Zombies

Enjoying the Scenery
Enjoying the Scenery

Full sim city with lots of well-developed quests and zombie spawning of varying difficulty. The city is done in old-fashioned Zombie-SL style with low resolution textures and without new-fangled mesh. Despite this it looks very good. You won't get any graphics lag either.

For the experienced player, there's a boss room hidden in the sewers filled with nothing but level 18 Fatties, Mothers and Daleks. Visit at your own risk! Boss Fight

My local scores rank: 6th

Lorena Adult

Igavesti Deadly Issues

Well-made run-down city spanning half a sim.

Lots and lots of well thought out quests. It's a bit hard to turn in quests however, as the quest givers' names don't appear on the HUD.

Easy difficulty. Zombie spawning is a bit slow, which to me is Igavesti's biggest drawback.

My local scores rank: 9th

Party Wave Adult

Untamed Zombies

Strange goings on in Untamed Zombies' previous location.
Strange goings on in Untamed Zombies' previous location.

Typical zombie city with lots of quests. Easy to medium difficulty.

My local scores rank: 4th

CreditCards Moderate. Nudity is allowed.

Action and Scenery

Places without quests but still worthy of exploration.

Aya's Death City

Riding the train
Riding the train

Very nice modern city spanning a full sim. It's got a railway!

Medium difficulty. Lots of spawns in one location

No quests.

My local scores rank: 3rd

Steinhauer Moderate - Nudity is probably ok.

Raccoon City

Full name: Zombie Massacre Racoon City (sic)

Nice town. Medium difficulty.

No quests

My local scores rank: 4th

Mango Bay Adult

Ros Paradise

Full sim with lots of zombies emerging from the haze. High quality landscape.

Many people coming here tend to favor fancy tricked-out non-GCS weapons that makes the sim unbelievably laggy. If the map shows five or more visitors you'd probably do better going somewhere else.

Medium difficulty. No quests

Update: The place has been completely rebuilt.

My local scores rank: 18th

Ros Paradise Adult

No Nudity

Covering up would rob me of my super strength.
Covering up would rob me of my super strength.

The Zombie sims below are top quality, but as they don't allow nudity I don't go there much.

Grimly's Bloodbath: Mustang Bay

Fantasy Zombie World: Gloxinia

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