Familiar Development

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Second Life
Bondage Witch Project logo



Future Features

  • HUD remembers settings (esp. color)
  • Light up fire
    • Fire FX. Particles or texture
    • Lightsource
  • Follow specified target (agent or object)
  • Movement control
    • Needs some solution for camera
  • RLV relay sit
  • Move to specific target
  • Firebreath fx
  • Help button


(Some of these are fixed in 1.1)

  • 'Come to Me' should do the llSetPos trick
  • Private menus(?)
  • Camera:
    • Handle longer distances. Use HUD
    • Handle sim crossings
  • Follow Behind does not works; still follows ahead
  • Menues always starting extended is a big turn-off for me (Cidri)

Level 2

  • Emote particle emanator 'zzz', swearing, '?', '!', etc.
  • Web interface via HTTP-IN
  • Use Menu System
  • Use Level 2 system to communicate with HUD
  • Internal positions and paths. Notecard config?
  • More faces
  • Damaging attacks
  • Scan for sit targets. Show in menu, or use HUD + RLV to sit-teleport
  • Use the HUD to set camera position at pet. (May not be possible to do)
  • Handle no-entry situations
    • De-spawn silently
    • Re-spawn automatically at first opportunity
    • Show subtle hints pointing to the nearest spawn area
  • Have the pet regularly report pos and rot to the HUD (email?)
    • Auto dismiss after no HUD contact for x min

Implemented in 1.1

  • De-rez when master leaves area (after 10 min)
  • No random display of logo
  • Eavesdrop on channel 0 chat
  • Relay owner messages to channel 0
  • Find rez zones

Pet menu

(Needs updating)

  1. Move
    1. Follow
      1. Owner
      2. Anybody
      3. Me (i.e. clicker)
      4. Anybody but me
      5. Specific Agent ID (choose from menu)
      6. Don't follow
    2. Move
      1. Randomly
      2. Position
    3. Camera Follow
  2. Mood (select face)
    1. Random mood on/off
  3. FX
    1. Color. FX, light source and face color
    2. Fire on/off flames fx and light source
      1. Adjust light source intensity
    3. Trails
      1. Type and color
    4. Attacks
      1. Firebreath
      2. Push
  4. Misc actions and settings
    1. Call pet
    2. Call all pets
    3. Die
    4. Grow/Shrink
    5. Adjust preferred follow position
      1. Height, Behindness or just <x,y,z>
  5. Teleport/Go
  6. (Talk) (channel chat) Notecard config?
    1. Lines menu
    2. Random
    3. Relay owner chat (cross sim by email?)
  7. (Sound FX)
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