Maid NPCs Hakone

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NPCs, Hakone Area


(Kurauchi = "store house, treasury house")

Carpentry Master Craftsman, maker of puzzle boxes, puzzle restraints, and training apparatuses. Grand Old Master of the School of Restrained Fighting. Teller of legends how his ancestors fought spirits using those ancient techniques.

Kurauchi Rei

Inheritor of the School of Restrained Fighting. Shy with a temper.

The Eater

Monstrous tentacle being with the power to steal the special abilities of his victims.


(Hiroko = "tolerant, generous child")

Kitsune. Previous ruler of the spirits in the Hakone area, but now depowered by the Eater and its dark mistress. Previous owner of a para-dimensional Onsen that catered to the major gods and spirits of Japan.

The Nameless One

The Usurper at the Onsen.

The nameless one kept hidden most of the time, but was in the end revealed to be a Tsukumogami - an item that turned into a spirit at the age of a hundred years. In this case it was a elaborately carved ivory comb, which had gained sentience. Absorbing one of the shards of the Evil Jewel that Shiroinu is questing for, she had gained power, and were able to manipulate others like puppets through nearly invisible strands of hair.


Onsen guest. Planet and ice queen. Distant and aloof.

God of Wandering and God of Rice Trade

Onsen guests. Old, argumentative and quarreling gods.


Onsen guest. Enormous forest creature.

Red Dragon

Onsen guest. Mah-jong player. Gambler, Boisterous.

Red Oni

Onsen guest. Mah-jong player. Bad loser. Tries to imitate the dragon.


Onsen guests. Tengu?

Crimson Pig

Onsen guest. Flyer Ace and War Hero. Old friend of Hiroko. Very noir.

Buddy, the Cave Slime

Also know as "buddy".

Friendly little blob



Female boss of the Oni mercenaries. Looking for the Oni-Hime jewelry.

Hanako & Masago

(Hanako="Flower child", Masago="Sand")

Bunny maids turned into handmaidens of the big evil. Incommunicado? Apparenly equipped with Oni maces.


Hero. Dog Spirit. Hunts for shards of a broken jewel that empowers evil spirits. Wielder of the ginormous sword "Dragon's Fang"


Dragon girl imprisoned inside Shiroinu's sword by the evil monk Rezo.

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