Scratch Page 1/English
From Grigbertz
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Dwarven Eternity FettersTM
Some ideas on how they work.
- Whoever made the jewelry has a magic key that can change their configuration. Geitre does this at the beginning of the story.
- The key works only at close range and may only be used by the person who forged the bonds (Bound on Pickup, if you've played World of Warcraft.)
The key is a magical object in itself, a magic symbol associated with one or more sets of jewelry. Dwarfs can sell these keys to someone else, who then has power over the slave in jewelry. I had a little thought about Geitre cheating a little here and has a tattoo of a key on his hand (Eloina notices briefly at the very beginning) so he always has the key with him; he will not sell Eloina. Alternatively, he is just testing a new idea. If Eloina ever sees the sign and understands its meaning, she can let someone else make the sign and try to escape. That person would then understand that he has power over Eloina and her jewelry, and might not her go ...
- The allowed configurations are preprogrammed at the factory.
- Additional configurations can be activated also by others, if they know what to do. 'The Handy Hogtie Hook', available on some sketches, is one such alternate configuration.
Good idea.
- If the jewelry is not made specifically for their wearers, they can also be completely removed. (Although Eloina's jewelry may have been made specifically for her.)
Jewelry may harmonize with its first wearer or the like? Otherwise, Geitre has his eye on Eloina first and then made the jewelry. Alternatively, they go to take off in any case - if the dwarfs would unleash a slave after long faithful service then the jewelry should come off.
- The finer craft of jewelry, the more magical features.
Some of the possible variants (based on the classic Dungeons and Dragons Magic Items):
- Charisma +5. Of course :)
- Necklace of Adaptation. (Don't need to breathe.)
- Ring of Warmth. (Don't need to wear clothing in the cold. Given :)
- Ring of Regeneration. Heals all possible damage quickly.
- Ring of sustenance. Do not need eat or drink. (Possibly it is possible to still feel pain from hunger, thirst and cold, but the wearer is not harmed by them.)
- Phylactery of Long Years. Age slowly or not at all. A suitable function for chains custom made for a specific person. Genuine permanent bondage.
- Mesmerize (not a D&D effect). Wearer can actively show their own beauty and jewelry, thereby causing the viewer to stand passive in helpless admiration. Concealing clothing reduces the effect of course. :)
Anti Magic to stop magically unlocking them. This effect I imagine spills over a bit on Eloina, who can sometimes see through illusions and resist magic directed at her. For example, when she goes into the 'Good Town' and the Inquisitor adds detect evil on all who enter, the formula fails due to her anti magic effect. Inquisitor finds her to be not evil, but does not dare take the risk of not investigating further. So he restrains Eloina in the square and goes to the Order's headquarters for advice and help...
A few digressions to the above
Point 5): The jewelry can be removed by the key bearer.
The idea that the slaves would generally wear their jewelry until they die of old age does not seem very appealing. Instead, the dwarfs let go of their 'models' as they finish their service. Maybe even with a modest payment in gold.
Once free, it could be that much time has passed, like in fairy tales. Perhaps time passes differently in the underworld? Or you age slowly, just like dwarfs.
The idea of permanent bondage is exciting, but do not necessarily affect history's nameless supporting characters.
Point 1): Changeable chains
The "Hall of the Mountain King" slaves ares not bound slaves at all, because they can wear clothes and use their arms. This means that the dwarfs had their jewelry take the form of ornate jewelry (maybe still linked together in long chains, but it does not count as bondage in my personal opinion).
The slaves who may dress are those that are sufficiently pushed around and dominated to do as they're told without the dwarfs having to force the issue.
The theme is thus 'Domination' from BDSM.
One could imagine another company more focused on 'Bondage', where slaves are held firmly bound. Perhaps another dwarf clan with other ideals, such that the slaves are merely ornaments and not labor.
The drawings on Brock and Sindre from your first round of sketches leaning perhaps to the existence of dwarfs who take pleasure in other types of jewelry that not only devoted to bondage. Or so they thought it was unnecessary to add more bonds to Geitres already existing setup. I had mostly thought that dwarfs the room for convenience used the slaves as the moment was not heavily fettered because it's a status thing among those to be served during dinner. Once they return home they do what they like, and have slaves in the 'real' bondage.
On the other hand, dwarfs in the current history have as many slaves, who are not allowed to move freely.
Point 6) Magic special effects
Since Eloina's chains appear to be made of gold, they will attract the greed of many. Those who heard rumors of dwarf magic know enough to act on this. While looking at the jewelry closely they discover it's ot gold because it is not soft.
However, we need to think about how to prevent a thief from simply killing Eloina and removing her jewelry.
Perhaps there is an enchantment that allows anyone who tries to hurt her suffer attack the attack themselves. Regeneration magic may also protect her.
A better effect would probably be a 'beauty defense'. Eloina's own beauty combined with her enchanted jewelery means that no one is really able to bring themselves to do serious and lasting damage to her. Other mean things is fine, however.
I agree on this last idea, an acute variant of mesmerize. +5 Charisma from Eloina's maxed natural values (of course she's a min-maxer) makes it make sense.