Talk:Menu System 2 (Second Life)

From Grigbertz

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Feature Requests

Public role

Priority just above 'other' TRUE if conditional 'isPublic' is set.

Button names from Variables

Is this reasonably doable?


Conditionals as Menu Roles

Either this or the feature below would be good

---Main locked---

Menu Roles qualified by Conditionals

---Main owner locked---

More than 12 buttons in menu

Adds automatic '>' after the first 11.

Lower Prio Feature Requests

Menu buttons accessible by scripts

  1. Last clicked menu button sets variable
  2. Send button click specified by: Menu name, Button number (1-12)

Conditional Button Texts

"?:" operand in button names


The priorities is just my preference right now. Maybe we should have a 'voting' system :) --Scarlett

Personal tools