Witchbound (Second Life)

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Second Life
Bondage Witch Project logo



Witchbound Feature List

  • Multiple Arm Poses
  • Multiple Leg Poses
  • RLV
    • Most standard RLV restrictions
    • Outfitter
    • Strip
    • Force Sit
  • Timer Lock
  • Safeword (optional)
  • Appearance:
    • Metal Color
    • Magic Runes Color
  • Dance Sparkles
  • Leg Chain
  • Suspension from any object
  • Leash
    • Leash to any object
    • Leash to other AVs
  • Multiple Operators (Owners)
  • Blacklist
  • Optionally Lockable with Prim Key
  • Easy to use menus
  • RLV Relay included
  • LockGuard & Lockmeister
  • Sensations

Sell screen text



The Witchbound system is used to control all Bondage Witch Project cuffs and some other personal attachments, marked by the Witchbound icon. The Witchbound HUD controls all these devices and who can use them. Each device has its own uses and functions, described in their own separate notecard. IF YOU HAVE SEVERAL WITCHBOUND ITEMS, YOU SHOULD ONLY WEAR A SINGLE WITCHBOUND HUD; this HUD will automatically control whatever accessories you are using.


These symbols make menus easier to use:

▼ ▲ ► ◄ - Navigation ▼ goes to a submenu. ▲ goes up to a previous menu ► ◄ some menus are so long that they have several sections, the directional arrows are used to go from one section to another.

□ ■ - Checkboxes These buttons turn things on and off. Clicking the button toggles the option. An empty checkbox is an option that is currently not active. A full checkbox is an option that is active.

● ○ - Radio Buttons A series of choices, where only one can be active. For example, your cuffs can be one of a long list of colors. The selected choice is a full ring; the others empty rings. Clicking on the button of an empty ring selects that choice.


Only those you designate as operators can lock you. Designating operators requires that you edit the "Operators" notecard inside the HUD.

You can also add and remove operators "on the fly", by using chat commands. You can see what chat commands apply to your piercing by clicking on "Operators" in the menu. These modifications will be lost if the scripts in the piercing are reset, so it is better to edit the notecard for true permanence.

HOWEVER, your operator list CANNOT be modified while the HUD is locked.

NOTE that proper uppercase and lowercase letters are ESSENTIAL. Entering "tuft meili" instead of "Tuft Meili" will NOT work.


The Witchbound system uses four lock modes, indicated by the color of buttons on the HUD and usually in some way on the cuffs or device controlled by the HUD.

Blue - Unlocked In this mode, the items are completely unlocked and can be taken off. You can change operators and settings freely.

Green - Secure This is a basic lock mode that you can use yourself. It prevents the cuffs from being taken off accidentally, but you can still unlock them and access all settings.

Yellow - Locked Normally, only others can set you to yellow mode. In this mode, you are locked, and cannot access most functions. Anyone else that you have not blocked can control the cuffs or unlock you.

Red - Operator Only an Operator (see below) or someone using a key can put you in red mode or control your cuffs now. This makes red mode private - only your chosen can control the cuffs or unlock you.


The HUD has 5 buttons; the little monster in the background and four text fields.

The Monster button expands and shrinks the HUD, making it take less space on your screen when not in use. When shrunk, it shows your current lock status in the color of the cuff icon.

The first button opens a menu that controls the lock and HUD. This button and menu will be described further below. The color of this button depends on your lock mode.

The second button opens a menu to control the cuff or accessory you are wearing. Each such item comes with its own instructions. The color of this button depends on your lock mode.

The third button is context-sensitive; a quick access to the most commonly used function in different situations. The text on the button explains what it does.

The fourth button controls the built-in RLV relay and will described further below.


This menu can be accessed either by clicking the first HUD button or clicking the cuffs while wearing the HUD. It is inaccessible when the HUD alone, which conveniently enough makes the cuffs unlockable, making it impossible to access the yellow and red lock mode. Because buttons are context-sensitive the names change; this guide describes functions rather than buttons by name.

KEY - Hands out a key that can be used to bypass the normal lock system. At first, the key is unattended. It needs to be put on the ground near someone wearing a set of cuffs to be attuned. Thereafter, anyone not on the blacklist can use the key to control the cuffs as an operator. Keys are specific to cuff sets; they will not work for another cuff set on the same wearer, and each cuff set can only have one key attuned - that key can be copied, but to attune a new key the old attunement must first be reset.

OPERATORS - This sends you a private message in chat, listing the current operators and gives a list of commands to add and remove operators and blacklist.

ENFORCED - This checkbox enforces any RLV restrictions. When unchecked, the current restrictions are stored but not active.

SETTINGS - You can put the key in unusual lock modes instead of the usual - tough only a wearer or operator can set the cuffs to red. SAFEWORD activates an escape button (when you are locked, this becomes that escape button) and PUBLIC allows anyone to use the yellow lock mode - when unchecked only operators can access the cuffs.

TIMER controls the timer function. INEXACT means there is a small variation, RANDOM that there is a large variation, RUN REAL that time offline counts against the timer and RUN ONLINE that the timer stops when you log off.

RLV opens a menu where you can enable RLV functions. SIT force sits on a nearby object. STRIP takes off clothes and attachments on parts of the body. The remaining buttons controls RLV restrictions, RESTRICT controls them in detail and ENFORCE activates them.


An RLV relay works with the Restrained Life Viewer to allow others to control you in other ways, locking you in a sitting position, getting you caught in traps, and so on. Including a RLV relay in the cuffs is a way to save an attachment point; you don’t need a separate RLV relay item.

□ OFF, ASK, and AUTO controls who can use the relay. When Off, no-one can use it. When Ask is active, you get prompted to allow others try to use it, but those on the trusted list can always use it. On Auto anyone can use it with no prompt or warning.

The Witchbound RLV relay has three unusual features. First, it warns you and allows you to shut it off if you are wearing another active RLV relay. Wearing two relays at once causes a lot of problems. Second, it has a TRUSTED function, which lets trusted persons control you directly even in Ask mode. Third, under OPTIONS, there is a safeword feature that, when enabled, lets you turn the relay off even when it is locked.

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