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A few random ideas I tossed onto the Nekomancer comments on patreon, and some I hadn't quite yet.

(Not real Nekomancer curses, but fun to think about!)



The Nekomancer's Clothing Invisibility Magic

Image not available publicly yet

Kind of an interesting variant. Lets the poor girl keep warm while still robbing her of her modesty. Plus she can still cover herself with her hands, if she really wants to!

Now I'm picturing the poor girl in her bedroom with a pile of clothes, trying one thing on after another, trying to cheat the system. Maybe sitting down next to the pile only for it to have a huge chunk vanish, or her bed / floor vanishing because she sat down. Maybe the downstairs neighbor is peeking up in amazement?

Or her getting too close to someone else and the 30cm radius causing exposure to the next person over. Like, a decidedly less modest friend going in for a hug and "oops, teehee," or her sitting / standing next to someone on a bus / in line someplace who is annoyed at the side of their hips being exposed. "Oops, sorry, can't uh, help it."

And of course, the social distancing version -- Permanent Sphere of Item Invisibility, 2 meters. Everyone has to stay back for COVID, or be nekkid! (Except for that particular girl, she's always nekkid.)

The Nekomancer will surely find a way to deal with the hand covering problem. - Grigbertz

Oh, I don't know, the idea of a cutie blushing and covering herself, knowing there's nothing else she can ever do about it but cover herself and blush, is cute.  ;)

Picturing her shyly trying to hide in the corner of a room, or a subway/bus, not realizing that the 30cm radius makes a cutout of the wall behind her invisible, so she's unknowingly mooning everyone behind her...

Or her sitting someplace, and the double-takes everyone gives her, not just because of her partial nudity, but because the chair she's sitting in has a giant missing cutout while she's sitting in it. Maybe like, sitting on a medical table or bed, with the nurse and doctor looking stunned at the sphere being just plain gone and the poor girl sitting in midair...

Or, continuing with the cold themes, her being cozy in bed under a pile of warm blankets, with her bottom still exposed because even with 3 layers of blanket her butt is still magically exposed...

I agree with KiTA here. :) - Tuft

There's amusing things that an exposed-but-mobile girl can do.

Like dashing away while blushing furiously with her arms covering her cursed naughty bits, only her lithe hands and forearms are exposed as they get closer to her magically affected bodyparts. Only, since the thick, heavy cloth (shirt/pants+winter clothes+winter sleeves+gloves) is still there, just not visible, it's in the way, and she can't quite cover herself properly...

Or her hiding on the way home behind doors, walls, posts and the like, or picking up stuff like signboards or cardboard trash to hide behind, only to have her magic bore perfect spheres in whatever she's using to hide, exposing her again.

Or her leaning against a wall someplace to take a breather, not realizing there's a crowd on the other side -- like a cafe, or bar, or restaurant... within moments there are people peeking out the windows and doors, wondering just what is going on, sending her dashing off again. (It'd look like a naked bum pressed up against infinitely clear glass from the inside, I'd think?)

And now I'm picturing the Nekomancer doing this sorta thing so often to people that they start giving out licenses to be exposed, like a card or something, that gives their wielder the right to be nude in public. Picture some exposed-but-mobile cutie (maybe this one, maybe a different one) showing it angrily off to an unamused cop.

"I'm telling you, it's like a medical condition. I'd cover up if I could!" "... Uh huh, yeah, sure, tell it to the judge ..." "This is discrimination! I'll sue!" "... Did the magic catgirl turn you American, too?"

The Nekomancer's "Better Than Clothes" Bodypaint Kit

Victim ideas: An art teacher, a group of sorority girls at a sorority party, a handful of girls at a rave with glow in the dark paint

Another cursed item from the Nekomancer, this kit contains an enchanted brush, as well as a container of seemingly normal acrylic paint, designed to be safely used on the human body. The container contains enough paint to cover several people, and magically does not run out if more is needed.

Magic on the brush gives anyone holding it some level of artistic skill, while magic on the paint and container lowers the inhibitions of anyone near them. People who encounter a "Better Than Clothes" kit are given the idea of face and bodypainting by the colorful label on the canister, then find themselves strangely compelled to try it out, usually first starting with face painting and faux tattoos. However, once the magical paint touches their skin the victim's inhibitions are further magically suppressed, and they often expand to full on bodypainting. Groups of people will usually begin painting each other, assisting and egging each other on, which further amplifies the loss of inhibitions and pushes them into ever more kinky designs.

Examples include animal patterns such as tiger stripes, fake clothing such as painted on pants or bikinis, surreal or cute patterns like those of the Hippie movement from the 60s, faux cyberpunk and rave patterns like fluorescent lines or chrome limbs, tribal patterns like ivy up and down the arms, or even just random streaks and geometric patterns of colors and chaos. In all cases despite coming from the same jar, any color including metallic and glowing fluorescents can be created on the fly, and even existing paint can be "erased"; the jar and brush magically and perfectly translates the victims' kinky ideas into perfectly done body paint patterns.

The curse, and the name, come from the fact that once applied, the people who are thus painted are magically convinced that any body part that is covered even partially with paint is appropriately and modestly covered, and will make no effort to wear clothing over it or otherwise conceal it from view -- they will be convinced that their bodypaint is "better than clothes," no matter how much it exposes them. For example, someone with painted on pants will insist (and believe) that they do not need to wear pants or underwear, as their paint is a perfect replacement for them, despite being perfectly skintight and concealing nothing. Another with tiger stripes going up their arms and torso will be convinced that they do not need to wear a shirt, even though their breasts are fully visible between the stripes. Still another with faux tribal markings and hippy flowers covering their body, concealing nothing but intentionally drawing the eye to their intimate areas, will eschew all clothing, insisting they no longer need it.

The paint can be intentionally washed off with effort within the first 24 hours, but will not rub off, smear, or flake away during that period. After 24 hours, the paint, and it's effects, cannot be removed in any way, becoming similar to a tattoo.

Some users come to their senses some time later, realizing that their bodypaint is actually exposing them and they are, in fact, effectively nude. Others remain oblivious, outright discarding "useless" clothing and extolling the virtues of their paint-as-clothing replacement to any that will listen. Still others find themselves in between, convinced they are being modest and appropriately dressed in their bodypaint but strangely still embarrassed (and excited) at any attention. In all cases, all remain compelled to leave their newfound permanent body art on display, never being willing (or able) to put clothing on a painted body part, regardless of their outlook.

The paint jar and brush do not vanish after use, and a victim may find themselves using it on themselves multiple times, or worse, being drawn to use it on others repeatedly, spreading the curse. Entire taverns, companies, or sororities have been "infected" in this way.

Scene ideas: A naked girl, covered in some mismatch of paint, painting the back of an arching nude girl, perhaps while other painted-and-naked girls cheer them on. A group of painted-and-naked girls talking (pressuring) a fully clothed girl into letting them paint her; maybe the one in front is holding the brush up, or tapping it against the girl's cheek or nose (applying paint, lowering her inhibitions, she's doomed). Two girls with painted on uniforms, one blushing and trying to duck down to cover herself with her arms, the other laughing and shamelessly holding the first's arms away from her. A naked girl at university, explaining to her shocked classmates that her painted on t-shirt and jeans is fine, and they're just being prudish. A painted girl in public, looking confused as to why someone is shocked and yelling at her. A blushing and horrified girl trying to desperately scrub off her now permanent paint in the shower or bathtub; or perhaps multiple girls trying to do the same thing in a group setting.

Idle Paws are the Nekomancer's Playthings

Victim ideas: An overworked student, a librarian, someone who is constantly overworking themselves and ripe to lose themselves in concentration.

Another curse the Nekomancer can use on subjects, this one manifests as cartoonish "cat paw" (🐾) tattoos on the palm of the victim's hands and soles of their feet, or as a bracelet/anklet style "ring" of tattoos on their wrists or ankles. These body parts can no longer be covered with clothing -- preventing the wearing of shoes or gloves -- but otherwise the victim appears to be left alone.

The real effects of the curse take effect a short time later. Whenever the victim is not actively using their arms or legs, they will subconsciously lose control of these body parts to the curse.

The cursed body parts will immediately seek to denude the victim, undoing buttons, lowering zippers, and taking items of clothing off. Victims will not notice this occurring unless they are actively paying attention to their arms and legs, any distraction such as watching TV, reading a book, or talking to someone else will allow the curse to magically prevent them from noticing. Once aware, the victim can easily override the curse, but this only lasts until a short while after the victim is no longer actively concentrating on doing so, when the curse takes control again.

The cursed body parts will not stop until the victim is completely nude, at which point they will seek to display, fondle, tease or pose the victim in whatever embarrassing manner they can think of until the victim realizes what is happening, at which point the victim will regain control and the process will start over again.

If otherwise left to their own devices, the cursed bodyparts will seek to dispose of, destroy, or hide any clothing they can, leaving the victim unable to re-dress after they become aware. Long term, the cursed bodyparts will attempt to ensure the victim simply owns no clothing whatsoever, with the victim constantly having to struggle against their constantly dwindling wardrobe.

Scene ideas: A girl, intently reading a book in a library, while one arm spins her shirt above her head and tosses it away to a shocked onlooker. A girl having a discussion with a friend someplace public, unaware she has unbuttoned her shirt and opened it, flashing them and everyone else. A girl walking and talking to someone, who is shocked as the girl just unzipped her pants and stepped out of them, leaving them behind while not missing a beat. A girl opening her wardrobe to find there's no clothing left, she used a pair of scissors and destroyed it all while she was studying -- or sleeping. A naked girl blushingly retracing her steps, finding the clothing she absentmindedly took off as she walked to class, lost in her thoughts. A girl listening to music, not realizing she has started doing a striptease while doing so. A girl doing homework, cheeks flush, not aware her hand has snaked down and started rubbing her honeypot. A doctor interviewing a newly cursed girl, while subconsciously her hands cup her bare breasts and her legs spread in a lewd M pose.

Eyes of the Nekomancer

Victim Idea: Someone very, very shy, unable to make eye contact. A nerd? A scientist? Now, not making eye contact means you see naked people.

A minor curse, the Nekomancer can enchant a subject's eyes, giving them slit, catlike pupils and often changing the color of their irises. While striking, the real effects of the curse are more insidious.

Victims with the Eyes of the Nekomancer cannot see clothing. To these victims, they, along with every other person in the world, are completely and utterly nude, all day, every day. The clothing does not vanish, and the victim can still feel it just fine, they simply cannot view it in any way. When being worn, clothing outright vanishes; when not being worn, clothing appears as a grey mass without any form or function, as if the eyes simply do not find even unworn clothes to be interesting enough to look at.

A minor problem occurs when the victim disrobes, as they cannot see clothing to put it back on; clothing they do pick up they cannot identify in any way via viewing. Victims often must seek out assistance in dressing, or do so blindly, hoping they pick out something appropriate and put it on properly. Victims often look disheveled, wearing garish and odd outfits, as they are unable to view clothes to make any fashion choices or wear them correctly.

Scene Ideas: A girl, blushing furiously, her hands covering her eyes, peeking between her fingers; everyone is nude, including her. A blushing nude girl, her head down, one hand up blocking her view of those she's walking past, walking briskly through a group of naked people. A nude girl holding up a grey (mosaic?) mass in her bedroom, trying to figure out if it's a shirt, pants, lingerie, overcoat... and how to wear it, whatever it is. A girl, wearing a chaotic mess -- shirt backwards, half tucked in, skirt improperly buttoned, mismatched shoes missing socks, being stared at by a group of confused and bemused naked dorm-mates. A teacher, in front of her university class, red as a beet, trying to stammer her way through a lesson in front of a classroom of attractive naked students. A naked girl with a discrete message written on her hips in lipstick, walking past a girl with cat-eyes, winking; she knows her girlfriend can read the lewd message even though no one else can.

The Nekomancer's Attention Getting Piercings of Anti-Prudishness

Victim Idea: A prudish type, such as a stuffy office worker who takes herself far too seriously, or a tomboy who does not understand she is actually cute and feminine.

A set of piercings for the prudish, to teach them a better (or at least, more fun) way of life. Once applied, they can never be removed. They come in a set of three; two nipple piercings and one clitoris piercing. They're small, kitty shaped/themed gemstone affairs, but are very (magically) eye catching.

Once per day, they cast a small Permanent Sphere of Item Invisibility, 1cm (3cm for the clitoris piercing) field upon themselves, themselves excluded. If there is an existing field, it instead increases in size, permanently, by the same amount, stopping once the wearer is entirely covered in the field like a shell. The larger the field, the more the gemstones twinkle (like a bell) and glow, drawing attention to themselves.

If the wearer has intentionally and deliberately shown her piercings off to another person that day -- that is, intentionally exposed herself -- the field will not expand any further. However, showing them off to the same person, someone used to seeing them, or someone who has been forewarned, does not work: Unless there is an emotional reaction by the viewer (shock / arousal / anger), it does not count, nor does people incidentally seeing them because of the curse. Showing them to random strangers -- flashing people -- is the most effective and intended way to trigger this. All three must be seen in the same day, not necessarily by the same person, to work.

If the wearer has an orgasm, the field will instead shrink by 1cm/3cm once per day, to a minimum of 0cm (deactivated). However, only "interesting" orgasms count for this; "safe" orgasms such as one inside the shower or safely in the bedroom will not work. Examples of "interesting" orgasms include masturbating while naked outside, having a kinky tryst with a stranger (preferably someplace dangerous, like a bar bathroom or seedy hotel), or engaging in some kinky BDSM play. Nudity (particularly public nudity), an audience, or some element of risk is preferable in all cases, these elements almost always make an orgasm "interesting" and the lack of them almost always makes an orgasm "uninteresting."

A method of orgasm only works one day in a row, for example a victim cannot simply masturbate in their back yard once a day to cheat the curse, only every other day works -- they have to find some other method of orgasm to mix in with it.

The piercings can tell when they are being viewed, and when they are they transmit a buzz of pleasure to the attached body part. This is stronger the more emotional the reaction the viewer has. Arousal, amusement, shock, outrage, all increase the buzz. Orgasming from being looked at in this way does not count as an "interesting" orgasm; however it may be (is) addictive and may (does) cause exhibitionist conditioning, training the wearer to enjoy having their breasts and honeypot looked at, especially in public and by strangers.

Scene Ideas: A prim and proper businesswoman trying to give a presentation despite small cutouts beginning to expose her nipples and vagina. A tomboy university student blushing as she goes out wearing a skirt for the first time, knowing she's only doing so because it'll be easier to flash her clitoris piercing at someone. The businesswoman in an alleyway, masturbating furiously, her business casual pantsuit on a trash container nearby. The tomboy lifting her shirt (again!) to her bemused friends -- sorry, that doesn't count for the curse, not enough of a reaction. The businesswoman opening a trench coat, flashing her piercings safely to a bus or train full of people as it goes by. A girl, naked and pierced, greeting the pizza delivery girl; sadly, word has gotten out about the naked customer to the employees, and it no longer works for her. The businesswoman and the tomboy student, both wearing trench coats (and nothing else), looking shocked at each other (and the cutouts in the trench coat they each have) -- "You too?!" The two in a park someplace, rubbing against each other, their coats forgotten, earning an interesting orgasm to the applause of several onlookers.

🐾 www.cutegirls.neko 🐾 Membership ID Card

Victim Ideas: A snotty girl demanding to see some other girl's ID to prove she's not a pervert, a woman with a bit too much order in her life

As more victims of the Nekomancer appear in a modern setting, no doubt there would be certain people doing what they always do -- recording information and investigating. Trying to maintain public order. Putting things in easily catalogued lists and easily contained boxes, when possible.

The Nekomancer is many things, but easily contained in a box is not one of them.

For those victims of the Nekomancer who not obviously physically restrained, but are still given restrictions in their thoughts / movements / dress, being kept in these lists and boxes is difficult. Removing them from public life is not possible (there are too many, they are too publicly visible, they have human rights, and the Nekomancer tends to react poorly) so instead victims are catalogued and provided with identification cards that they can use to "prove" their being subject to the Nekomancer's myriad magical effects and curses.

The most common of which is a simple card that a victim can carry on themselves, or at least keep stored somewhere if needed. This card has basic identification information -- name, a picture, and a bullet list summary of the magical effects upon the victim. A small QR code on the back, easily scanned by any mobile device, leads to an online version of the same and confirms that it (and their curse) is real. Victims can show this card off to explain any odd behavior or indecent actions that their curses cause them, in theory preventing any arrests or discrimination.

Example entries on ID cards:

  • Permanent nudity (Skin destroys clothing on contact; aware, unwilling)
  • Gagged (Unremovable)
  • Nudist (Lack of nudity taboo; unable to understand nudity taboo in others; unwilling to wear clothes for any reason)
  • Arms restrained (Handcuffed behind back, indestructible)
  • Compulsive exposure (Automatically performs erotic dance when hearing appropriate music)

And of course, with something so delightfully orderly and boring, the Nekomancer would no doubt add at least a little chaos and fun into it.

Certain victims receive a Nekomancer ID card despite not being cursed by the Nekomancer; some receive it in the mail, others find it out in the world someplace, others find someone else's card magically duplicating, leaving them with their own after they touch another's. Once the new victim touches this cursed ID card, a picture of them and their ID magically appears on the card, and they are magically entered into he database. The curse details section, however, remains blank, as they have no actual curses on them -- yet.

The real curse takes effect when anyone loads the online version of these victims -- unlike the standard identity page, which has a simplified bullet list of curse effects as well as photos of the victim, these victims' pages have an edit button. Anyone who loads the page can hit edit and, like a wiki, make changes to the victim's curse effects; upon saving these will be auto-magically simplified and transformed into the somewhat terse, plain language of the "real" cards, with various safety measures applied. The physical card and the online database are also magically synced, and writing in or erasing curse effects on the physical card makes the same changes to the online version, with the same simplification and safety measures taking effect.

Changes to the card database take effect with the victim over the course of a few days, leading to whatever curse effects are listed on the victim's card becoming real effects, restrictions, and compulsions that the victim will now have. The online database is also updated, with a full body photo of the victim under the full effects of their current curses being added, even if no such photo has been taken. No other changes occur -- the victim's memories are not effected (unless the new effects do so), other people recognize the effects as being new, et cetera.

Effects can be removed by drawing a line through the effects on the card, erasing them, or removing them from the website; like any other changes, these take effect over the course of a few days. A gallery of all former photos remains, and is unremovable.

There is no way to prevent the editing of the online database, nor is it possible to lock a specific ID's effects or lack of effects. It is possible to search for an individual by name, or to display all editable entries, leading to common "drive by" pranking of the database; all attempts to remove these features from the website magically fail. The only person unable to edit the entries -- either physically on the card or digitally on the website -- is the actual card holder herself; she must seek out other people to edit her entry for her. Any duplicates of this card retain the magical effects of the original card.

Scene Ideas: A girl looking shocked at her ID card; maybe she just noticed it has changed, or it just made her aware she was doing something subconsciously. A girl begging her friend to erase something particularly bad on her card before it takes effect. A girl handing back some obviously cursed girl's card, looking stunned that she still has a card after handing back the first one; maybe the other girl is laughing at her. A girl, naked at a computer, looking enraged at her changed ID entry. A girl staring at her card as she walks by other people, staring at her lewdly, all with their phones out, typing something kinky on her ID entry.

Perversion is in the Eye of the Beholder

"You cannot do this," cried the young woman. "If I'm trapped this way, forever in one pose, I'll die of boredom!"

"Is that all," the Nekomancer said, smiling at her silly new toy. "Well, I'm sure I can think of something."

She was found the next day, by a janitor at her university. They rushed her gently to a safe room, and discussed things amongst several of the staff who quietly, and professionally, inspected her restraints. Her humiliation was acute, her body exposed and restrained.

However, all those involved found, to their great confusion, that once they left the room to give her some privacy, they could only describe certain things about her predicament.

She was completely naked, they could all agree on that. She was restrained in some way, but none of them could describe exactly how. Her restraints left her exposed, they all were certain of it. And she was aroused, the female professor noted, to the polite nodding of the two men.

No other details came to them. They all remembered looking at her, but the exact details of her restraints, of her condition, fled their minds the second they left the room. The could remember the details of her body, they could remember the discussion they had with her, the description of the nekomancer and the crazy day the young lady was having... but everything else was simply gone. They turned at one, and went back with notepads this time.

The young woman experienced something quite different. The Nekomancer had left her in the hallway, naked, her hands cuffed behind her, her legs and neck enclosed in metal bands, with a chain going down from the collar, to the handcuffs, to the anklets. The janitor had found her, and rushed her to the room, and more people had showed up... and they had left. The second they had done so, when she was alone, it had all vanished, leaving her naked and free, save for her collar, cuffs, and anklets.

And then the door opened, and the group re-entered, and suddenly, she found her hands bound next to her head in a yoke, her legs held askew by a bar. She glanced down at an uncertain weight, discovering two small nubs had appeared on her nipples, now suddenly pierced. They asked her questions, and she described what had happened, and they all nodded and agreed and took notes... And the second they left, the strange bindings left her again.

She glanced at the notes they had left.

Naked. Restrained. Exposed. Aroused.

No other details remained about her situation, despite the professors taking detailed notes. She had watched them writing them down. She had read some of them as they went.

The female professor came back in, and she suddenly found herself on her knees, her wrists bound to her anklets, while her breasts and clit suddenly sported ruby piercings, drawing the eye to them. They had a brief discussion of feminine things, and she left, leaving her in a heap on the floor. Moments later, the Janitor arrived, and she found her hands tied behind her back, her feet unbound, but her collar now sporting a long leash. The janitor left, causing it all to vanish again, and the older male professor arrived, leaving her suddenly entrapped in a chair like contraption, a toy buzzing away inside her.

They all came in shortly afterwards, finding her now sitting on the ground, her arms bound behind her up to her elbows, her feet seemingly glued together in a silver mass not unlike metallic kneesocks. Her ruby piercings had returned, but this time they buzzed with an unseen force, driving her ever closer to orgasm.

"It's you, it's all of you." She explained as she twisted, her hands unable to reach anything. "Whenever you leave the room, they vanish, but they keep coming back whenever you come back in."

New notes were written, and some vanished. Naked. Restrained. Exposed. Aroused. But other notes survived, and testing progressed, and a theory was advanced.

"It seems," the female professor said to the young woman as she lewdly, and helplessly, exposed herself to the older woman, "That whatever people think of when they think of your condition, is what it is, as long as they're looking at you. We can't actually retain any information about your condition other than those four words, which isn't a big deal, cause it changes based on perception."

"So this," the young woman said, shaking her body, ruby piercings-turned-bells jingling invitingly, "is..."

"What I think of subconsciously when I think of a woman being "Naked, Restrained, Exposed, and Aroused," yes." She said, looking awkward, "And, if multiple people are involved, their ideas average out."

She looked down at her body, her knees lewdly spread, her arms crossed behind her head, her hands cuffed to her collar at the back of her neck. Glowing ruby piercings drew anyone's attention to her nipples, navel, and clitoris. She looked back up at the professor.

"Uh. Sorry."

They left her there for a while, allowing her to quietly enjoy a meal and one of the office laptops, with the female professor smuggling her out later that night, bringing her back the next day.

She eventually had an grasp for each one's biases. The janitor, who preferred submission over complex situations, often left her in simplistic bonds, but often with something like a leash that made it clear she was helpless. The old man, who remained perfectly professional and kind, but whose versions of her restraints always involved some kind of vibrating toy that left her almost, but never quite, orgasming. And the female professor, whose subconscious obsession with her exposure always left her in a perfect pose to be gawked at -- and, if anyone chose, touched or even fucked.

As the research on her predicament progressed and her newfound roommate -- and lover -- kept smuggling her home with her each night, she had to admit. At least it wasn't boring.

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