User talk:KiTA/NekomancerSandbox

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So, I had some ideas. I hope they are useful to someone, or inspire other ideas.

Better Than Clothes Bodypainting Kit

I've always been a fan of bodypaint, and compulsive exposure / permanent nudity is fun too. The idea of a curse victim doing it to themselves, only coming to their senses later to regret it, is also interesting.

Idle Paws are the Nekomancer's Playthings

This is an American idiom, I do not know if it's universal. "Idle hands are the devil's playthings." It basically means, "when one is not busy doing something productive, you are more likely to get into trouble."

If you are cursed by the Nekomancer, you had better keep your hands busy, or they'll tease and expose you.

Eyes of the Nekomancer

The idea of cat eyes is exotic... The idea of a cute girl, trapped seeing embarrassing things, her life normal except she is constantly seeing nudity... Maybe the constant blushing would burn in, like a tattoo.

This is a not uncommon plot for manga with magic.

The Nekomancer's Attention Getting Piercings of Anti-Prudishness

I thought of this with the Clothing Invisibility Magic drawing. That of a slowly encroaching version of the curse, that requires the victim to embarrass themselves and embrace their sexuality to prevent it from spreading, or conceal it outright.

🐾 www.cutegirls.neko 🐾 Membership ID Card

Editing the wiki made me think -- "What if someone could edit the curses of one of Grigbertz' girls in real time?" Maybe being able to edit their other information, such as breast size, height, or hair color, would be interesting too.

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